请不要乱用"disgusting and selfish"这些词.这样不尊重别人.而且大家贴贴子并不是"waste time".来这个坛子就是交流信息.当事人可以得到帮助,其他的也可以学习储备这些有用信息.
Post by cloudrain
I think this Hangtian host should tell your generous Chinese friends that you are getting 90% of your salary from CSST. Your employer paid you first 2 weeks of salary and CSST is responsible for the salary 2 weeks after accident. When you are getting CSST compensation, it is clear that you are accepted by CSST. It doesn't matter how it happened, as long as it happened in the work place, CSST will pay for it.
I am very sympatic to your accident, but I really don't understand why you pretend to be helpless victim. When i just read your thread, i like to call you and help you (), but in your last reply, you thank for people' generosity, but you don't need people's donation since you are getting compensation from CSST. There are so many unknown people who provide you with so much info and ideas. You should simply tell people that you are accepted by CSST and getting compensation, so people here just move on and don't need to waste time to post thread and give you information. I find you are very disgusting and selfish. There is no respect for guys here.