楼主: greyhound
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 楼主| 发表于 2005-10-26 18:40 | 只看该作者
Post by GSM
灰狗兄, 你这么就这样悄悄地一个人溜走啦? 弄得我兄弟口水快要掉啦! 打了两次你的手机, 但不通. 一定是你的CDMA 机器有问题啦.

快快, 把PLMM 照片上传两张, 不, 三张.


you must be my buddy,but I do not know who you are,could you give the hints?do not call me to my cell phone,otherwise I will get bankrupt.most PLMMs do not speak English and I do not speak Portuese,what can I do?

the November 2nd will be Brazilian national day,I will take phones that day,the internet from hotel is a liitle bit slow here.
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发表于 2005-10-26 20:32 | 只看该作者
Post by greyhound

you must be my buddy,but I do not know who you are,could you give the hints?do not call me to my cell phone,otherwise I will get bankrupt.most PLMMs do not speak English and I do not speak Portuese,what can I do?

the November 2nd will be Brazilian national day,I will take phones that day,the internet from hotel is a liitle bit slow here.
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发表于 2005-10-26 21:19 | 只看该作者
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发表于 2005-10-26 22:34 | 只看该作者
r u emcboli?
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发表于 2005-10-26 22:51 | 只看该作者
虽然你的英语很差,我还是看懂了;虽然你写的象流水帐,还是有点信息的;虽然你的信息有 不少是错误的,还是蛮有趣的;虽然巴西mm热情奔放,她们不是你的。记住,千万不要参加唐朝mm的俱乐部,对你是没有帮助的,要学就要学西班牙语的;还要记住,千万不要掉河里,一定要掉河里,也不要穿红色的短裤掉河里,否则会被食人鱼咬pp的。要游泳,就去plmm家后院里,他们家家户户都有游泳池的。
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 楼主| 发表于 2005-10-27 18:07 | 只看该作者
Post by julieth
虽然你的英语很差,我还是看懂了;虽然你写的象流水帐,还是有点信息的;虽然你的信息有 不少是错误的,还是蛮有趣的;虽然巴西mm热情奔放,她们不是你的。记住,千万不要参加唐朝mm的俱乐部,对你是没有帮助的,要学就要学西班牙语的;还要记住,千万不要掉河里,一定要掉河里,也不要穿红色的短裤掉河里,否则会被食人鱼咬pp的。要游泳,就去plmm家后院里,他们家家户户都有游泳池的。

虽然我英语很差,but it is enough to talk to PLMM,虽然you call yourself 名花,but I do not care about 花柳(Originally Posted by julieth also a matchmaker, hehe ...象象我们这种名花有主的),虽然巴西mm不是我的,I will watch but touch,虽然唐朝mm对我没有帮助,我对她的景仰有如滔滔江水,延绵不绝。。。I do not mind被食人鱼咬pp,I really mind 被食人鱼咬DD,虽然plmm家家户户都有后院游泳池,but I am not that kind of attractive.
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发表于 2005-10-27 18:45 | 只看该作者



Post by greyhound
虽然我英语很差,but it is enough to talk to PLMM,虽然you call yourself 名花,but I do not care about 花柳(Originally Posted by julieth also a matchmaker, hehe ...象象我们这种名花有主的),虽然巴西mm不是我的,I will watch but touch,虽然唐朝mm对我没有帮助,我对她的景仰有如滔滔江水,延绵不绝。。。I do not mind被食人鱼咬pp,I really mind 被食人鱼咬DD,虽然plmm家家户户都有后院游泳池,but I am not that kind of attractive.
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 楼主| 发表于 2005-10-27 19:04 | 只看该作者

more tips

Health Concerns.

after I got my Visa,my friend told me to take the shot for yellow fever,but I did not get the time,I heard somtime you will be refuse to get into Brazil without yellow fever shot certificate,I was ok to get into.another one is dengue fever,there are no vaccine yet,malaria is for the people who will go to amazon,it won't apply to me.


I have to introduce you the "churrascarias",it is roasted beef,the waiter will continue slicing off the beef to you plate untill you hand up and cry enough.do not miss this when you have chance to come here.this is the most famous Brazilan food.

I will go to Japanese town to try Shushi this Sat,also farofa is on my menu list,I will tell you more

Car rent

most of the cars here are hatch back,Corolla is big car here.one thing intresting is the car here can use both gas and alcoho,the car can fully swing between gas and alcoho.
unfortunelly,I still can not rent car here because the gear box of most cars are manul,I do know how to drive it.to rent a hatch back car,it costs $30/day plus mileage.

Time difference

Sao Paulo is two hours ahead Montreal,but after Montreal switch to winter time,there will be three hours different.

by the way,I heard from local people,Brazilian people recently vote against the guns,in near future, to carry ,trade and hold guns will be illege(before it was ok),so in Brazil,it will be safer .
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 楼主| 发表于 2005-10-27 19:16 | 只看该作者
Post by longyangrich


I promise 我ju不打她的主意,but I really do not like a bad guy like you do so,我yao象狼狗一样护着她
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发表于 2005-10-27 20:26 | 只看该作者
J 大姐啊,如果您的法国式英文特好, 不妨替我灰狗兄弟改改语法错。
Post by julieth
虽然你的英语很差,我还是看懂了;虽然你写的象流水帐,还是有点信息的;虽然你的信息有 不少是错误的,还是蛮有趣的;虽然巴西mm热情奔放,她们不是你的。记住,千万不要参加唐朝mm的俱乐部,对你是没有帮助的,要学就要学西班牙语的;还要记住,千万不要掉河里,一定要掉河里,也不要穿红色的短裤掉河里,否则会被食人鱼咬pp的。要游泳,就去plmm家后院里,他们家家户户都有游泳池的。
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