Post by montrealpost
Those who like 新城 better spend your time bringing your friends there than advertise for it on this web site. Old folks like me will not be fooled!
重剑无锋 - do a search on Korean resturant in Chinese, it's been discussed many times. DON'T go to the one that has the biggest advertisement in newspaper, with map and most times with a 10% discount coupon, also around Cavendish I think.
Post by montrealpost
Those who like 新城 better spend your time bringing your friends there than advertise for it on this web site. Old folks like me will not be fooled!
Post by yuqi
The food in 泰苑 is quite good
but I would suggest that the chefs should wear cleaner uniforms when coming to the diningroom to greet or serve customers.
Cleanliness does make an impact on the overall impression of the restaurant.
Post by helloman
The food in 泰苑 is quite good
but I would suggest that the chefs should wear cleaner uniforms when coming to the diningroom to greet or serve customers.
Cleanliness does make an impact on the overall impression of the restaurant.