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发表于 2007-1-19 22:53 | 只看该作者

Let's study a job ad

Junior Engineers for mining industry

from: http://jobsearch.monster.ca/getjob.asp?JobID=52692246

<table align="center" bgcolor="#ffffff" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="100%"><tbody><tr><td valign="top"><table border="0" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="2" width="100%"><tbody><tr><td class="FormLabelBold" align="right" bgcolor="#eeeeee" valign="middle" width="25%">Company:</td> <td class="FormLabel" valign="top">Design Group Staffing Inc</td> <td class="FormLabelBold" align="right" bgcolor="#eeeeee" valign="middle" width="25%">Location:</td> <td class="FormLabel" valign="top">Vancouver, BC</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="FormLabelBold" align="right" bgcolor="#eeeeee" valign="middle" width="25%">Status:</td> <td class="FormLabel" valign="top">Full Time, Employee</td> <td class="FormLabelBold" align="right" bgcolor="#eeeeee" valign="middle" width="25%">Job Category:</td> <td class="FormLabel" valign="top">Consulting Services</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="FormLabelBold" align="right" bgcolor="#eeeeee" valign="middle" width="25%">Relevant Work Experience:</td> <td class="FormLabel" valign="top">2+ to 5 Years</td> <td class="FormLabelBold" align="right" bgcolor="#eeeeee" valign="middle" width="25%">Career Level:</td> <td class="FormLabel" valign="top">Entry Level</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="FormLabelBold" align="right" bgcolor="#eeeeee" valign="middle" width="25%">Education Level:</td> <td class="FormLabel" valign="top">Bachelor's Degree</td> </tr> </tbody></table> </td> </tr> <tr><td colspan="2" bgcolor="#ffffff" height="5">
</td></tr></tbody></table>HELP SHAPE THE FUTURE

We know how hard it is to find the "perfect fit" in the engineering industry.  It always seems that everyone wants to hire someone with a laundry list of skills, but no one really knows what they actually need!  It's a vicious and frustrating cycle!

We've been provided an opportunity to change that!  Our client is an international Engineering Consulting Company that wants to bring Junior and Intermediate professionals  on board so that they can learn, contribute, grow and be mentored by some of the best engineers out there.  For people with a Structural, Civil, Mechanical, or Electrical Degree and a couple of years of experience in Mining, Oil Sands or Oil and Gas, this could be the opportunity that shapes your career!

Come live in one of the most beautiful cities in the world, work with a world class organization and be mentored by some of the best.  After all, isn't that what we're looking for?

To find out how to take charge of and shape your career, please contact Ioana Ardelean at iardelean@dg.ca  . Only suitable candidates will be contacted.

以上是今天 monster 上的广告。可以看出即使猎头公司也并不期望总是能找到高手。


但具体公司项目上面,有很多具体事情需要 junior 或 intermediate 的人来做。在人才供不应求的情况下,公司会想办法,就如同上述广告中所说明的一样。当然,人才供大于求的时候,难度就大了

此外,个人感觉,这里公司里面 teamwork 非常重要。雇主在找人时,如果能找到perfect的应聘人,当然最好。但很多时候,或找不到,或合适的人要价很高,他们便会退而求其次,在矮子中间拔将军,找 available 的相对最优。其中一个标准就是看谁最可能与公司的团队相协调,能和其他成员互补,共同完成任务。还有就是看谁值得培养。

这里顺便提及,有一次聚会交流活动中,分享经验的主讲人提到在简历写作中的 hobbies 部分, 他的经验是写能体现teamwork精神或能力的兴趣爱好,比如篮球,足球,组织某方面活动等,而不能仅写那些以个人活动为主的,例如下棋,唱歌,阅读等。

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发表于 2007-1-20 02:09 | 只看该作者

More referral Programs

Referral Programs







[url=\"http://www.jobspace.info/bbs/index.php\"]加联华开源乐业空间[/url] & [url=\"http://www.jobspace.info\"]www.jobspace.info [/url] 我们因团结互助而共同进步,是为共赢。
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发表于 2007-1-21 03:09 | 只看该作者



我们也希望通过我们的努力让更多的朋友有展示自己长处的机会,这样如果有朋友分享工作机会,我们会将准备好了的朋友加以介绍推荐。应该说,这些有工作的朋 友的分享,无论是工作机会,求职经验,还是资源,都对我们积极找工作的人起到了一定的指引方向的作用,让我们有限的时间产生更大的效益。只是由于大家都比 较忙,没有充分分享,所以分享受益局限于一个比较小的范围。



[url=\"http://www.jobspace.info/bbs/index.php\"]加联华开源乐业空间[/url] & [url=\"http://www.jobspace.info\"]www.jobspace.info [/url] 我们因团结互助而共同进步,是为共赢。
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发表于 2007-1-23 03:50 | 只看该作者



     首先谢谢您耐心的回帖, 实在讲, 是让我受益的. 不过有些看法, 我不敢苟同, 因时间有限, 部分答复如下, 希望能与您进一步探讨(不过, 希望我们能就事论事, 不脱离求职的话题, 这样也许能对大家也有些帮助) :
Post by bzwbd

做起来根本没可能? 我现在在Sandwell从事Materials Handling相关设计工作。在国内我没有画过一张图(除了大学的课程设计和毕业设计)。我不是一个喜欢吹嘘自己的人,所以我并没有将自己的求职到处宣扬,尽管我知道那可能对其他求职者是一个很好的鼓舞。和您类似,我也吃了很多苦。但我在加拿大的第一份专业工作,除了我的自身努力外,是因为有人介绍,我进去了,作了两年。2个月前,申请了目前的本要求是Intermediate to senior的职位,并且成功拿到了(可能属于公司退而求其次的情况 ,也还处于边学边干的阶段) 。到目前为止, 作专业工作,我还算不上一个高手,还有很多东西要学。但找专业工作,我自认为还是可以帮助一些同胞少走弯路。
Post by bzwbd
如果有时间的话,建议您看看俞敏洪的经历。在他第一次出国以前,他帮助无数人成功出国留学。不瞒您说,在我在 Montreal 作第一份工作以前,我也曾帮助他人成功找到专业工作。


[url=\"http://www.jobspace.info/bbs/index.php\"]加联华开源乐业空间[/url] & [url=\"http://www.jobspace.info\"]www.jobspace.info [/url] 我们因团结互助而共同进步,是为共赢。
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发表于 2007-1-24 17:57 | 只看该作者

Survival in an Engineering company

After one month I worked for my current company, we were not so busy. So, one day, I went to see my supervisor, asked how could I improve myself.

He said: "the best way to learn sth is by doing it in projects."

Obviously, during the past month, he knew that I was not strong enough. But he did start to give me chance to practice. And for sure, on my part, I need to try my best.

Being in the company, I am more clear with what I need to learn for my career than when I was out of job.
[url=\"http://www.jobspace.info/bbs/index.php\"]加联华开源乐业空间[/url] & [url=\"http://www.jobspace.info\"]www.jobspace.info [/url] 我们因团结互助而共同进步,是为共赢。
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发表于 2007-1-24 22:28 | 只看该作者



[url=\"http://www.jobspace.info/bbs/index.php\"]加联华开源乐业空间[/url] & [url=\"http://www.jobspace.info\"]www.jobspace.info [/url] 我们因团结互助而共同进步,是为共赢。
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发表于 2007-1-25 00:33 | 只看该作者




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 楼主| 发表于 2007-1-25 01:12 | 只看该作者
我在魁省读书是付出了非常惨重代价的,所以学习的时候比较认真。不仅如此,我很注意把自己有限的经验和课本结合起来学习。当时,系里的同学们都比较怕我, 因为每次presentation的时候,我都会提问,而且我的问题往往很难。以至于后来一帮印巴和白人同学每次都先向我打招呼,要我千万不要提问...
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 楼主| 发表于 2007-1-25 01:32 | 只看该作者
找工作,最关键的一条是必须要自信。对于很大一部分同胞来说,其实专业经验根本不是问题,难就难在语言上了,所以没有办法完全表达出来,再加上说话的时候 害怕语法错误和表达错误,往往越讲越害怕,越讲心越虚...这个过程是个很痛苦的过程,但是没有办法,必须要克服这个障碍,要敢讲、会讲、能讲...
我现在正在从事设计工作,而在此之前,我没有画过一张图纸。出国的时候,我仅仅是初级职称(助工)。不怕大家笑话,我考了两次注册二级结构师都没考过,考 了两次注册二级建筑师也没有考过。那时候一边在单位混日子,一边在忙自己的生意,根本就没有静下心来放在专业上。到加拿大后,我在BC很快就有了工作,虽 然不是专业工作,但是收入待遇比上不足比下有余,于是又开始混日子了。在魁省读研究生是我大补课的阶段,不仅恶补了专业上的不足,而且改掉了不思进取的懒 惰思想。
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发表于 2007-1-25 02:34 | 只看该作者

Hidden Job Market

Hidden Job Market Essentials: Part One of Four - What Exactly Is The “Hidden Job Market?”

from: http://www.workopolis.com/servlet/Content/rprinter/20070122/m4s20070122

[size=-1]Mark Swartz -
January 22, 2007
<!-- Summary -->

Looking for a job online at workopolisCampus.com and other job banks, and applying to positions on the websites of employers, are great ways to find the “advertised” positions: that is, postings that are publicly displayed.

In total, these types of opportunities make up a pretty good chunk of all the work that's available. Where then are all the other the jobs concealed?

<!-- /Summary --> They’re in the so-called “hidden job market,” which is made up of openings that become available but don’t get widely published. This happens many times every workday. For instance, someone may quit unannounced, leaving an immediate gap. Or else a company might land a major new client and need to hire like crazy (but they don’t want to pay for advertising the jobs or going through recruiters). These types of examples form the hidden job market – positions that are filled by, or created for, candidates (job seekers) who come to an employer’s attention through employee recommendations, referrals from trusted associates, direct inquiries and the networking efforts of a job seeker.

While continuing to scour the job banks, you can also use a variety of tactics to find work that hasn’t been broadcast. No matter how you approach it, though, your search for work is just like a marketing campaign – where employers are the buyers, and you’re the product! There are two basic paths you can take here. One is called Cold Marketing, which simply means that the employers you apply to do not know you previously, and thus you are “going in cold.” The other type is called Warm Marketing. As its name implies, here your path has been paved for you by someone who has a connection to the employer. As a result, you receive a “warm welcome” instead of a cooler reception.

Cold Marketing, when you get down to it, is all about getting your RESUME in front of people who can hire you. Warm Marketing, on the other hand, is all about getting YOU in front of people who can hire you. In the next two columns we’ll cover the techniques you can use for each of these integrated marketing approaches into the hidden job market. I hope you’ll join us for the entire series.

  When searching for a job opportunity check out www.workopolisCampus.com, it is Canada’s biggest job site for students and recent grads. Register for your chance to a win a 30G iPod Video or an Xbox 360.

  Mark Swartz is a Toronto-based career coach, speaker and author of the best seller “Get Wired, You're Hired.” He offers practical advice on searching for work, choosing or changing careers, dealing with on-the-job issues and exploring self-employment.

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