Post by 121606
弱弱地问一下, 看你也收臧了不少图片, 请问可以介绍一个好的方法耒收臧这贴內的东东, 还想加个目錄可以便利找尋.
1.go to "Favorites" on internet window and choose favorites
2.and add a new fold(name"baozhi")
3.then just add.
4.when you want to find this thread , just go to Favorites on internet window again and you will see all the baozhi again.
No, This is how I saved the address of this site, not the contents. I want to save the pictures in my hard drive, with index added so that I can look at them offline. My dumb way is to save each picture in a folder, rename them, and refer to each bun by the picture's name, no index. very difficult because there are so many pictures to pick from. Must be an easier way. Any one know?