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发表于 2010-3-1 16:49 | 只看该作者

终于有啦! 终于有啦! - Soho

MP 唯一饮的甜酒 ==> 荔枝酒, 不是广东的 :p   这个 。 。 。 。 。 哪儿有 好的荔枝香精/油 卖?  终于有东东 要朋友从中国带回来啦!  :cool:

Soho liqueur de litchi
Liqueur et crème, Liqueur de fruit, 750 ML, 00532234
Pourcentage d'alcool :          24.0 % ($22.85) :confused:

Soho liqueur de litchi
Liqueur et crème, Liqueur de fruit, 750 ML, 10864700
Pourcentage d'alcool :          21.0 % ($22.90) :confused:
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发表于 2010-3-2 17:11 | 只看该作者

sell 啤酒和红酒的制作 equipment

moving sale : beer&wine making-- the whole kit for 65$


IMG_2553.JPG (0 Bytes, 下载次数: 612)

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发表于 2010-3-3 11:30 | 只看该作者

Wine Kits 酿酒的浓缩葡萄汁 - 可以储存18-24个月,但保质期通常只有12个月

Wine Kits normally can be stored for 18-24 months, but ALL manufacturers only quarantee 12 months.  酿酒的浓缩葡萄汁 - 可以储存18-24个月,但保质期通常只有12个月.

For those of you who have kits that older than 12 months, I suggest u to:
1.  Make sure that your yeast pack is not expire.  Check date on your yeast package, and
2.  EXTRA STIR your must= after u add water and yeast, stir the thing for longer time + few more times within the first 24 hours, to give it more oxygen.

Details from one of the manufacturers:  "xxxCo. winemaking kits now have a production date printed on each package!

Please note: The date that can be found on the outside of the packaging of a xxxCo. wine kit is NOT an expiration date.  This is the date of production.  We believe that the freshness of the wine kit and also because wine kits do not automatically expire on a certain date.

Win kits do have a shelf life which is normally between 18-24 months.  In reality our wine kits could support an even longer shelf life because we have a very high-tech packaging system.  This system allows us to do a sterile packaging(not pasteurized but STERILIZED) and this condition allows for a longer shelf life.  However, in order to protect our customers, we have adopted a strick policy to verify the quality of our products which are older than 12 months."
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发表于 2010-3-3 11:51 | 只看该作者

欢迎需要出售 酿制葡萄酒和啤酒工具的同学们

欢迎需要出售 酿制葡萄酒和啤酒工具的同学们, 祝好运!没有太多的 酿酒爱好者, 通常买卖都比较麻烦。

There were sales on wine making equipment at end of August.  Last year, we paid $69.89 (tax included) for NEW "deluxe set" which included:
a)  hand corker ~$15-20, and
b)  bottler ~$3-4.
Post by xiyangyang;2505627
moving sale : beer&wine making-- the whole kit for 65$
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发表于 2010-4-27 09:32 | 只看该作者

Dandelion Wine

Danelion Wine from: http://www.grapestomper.com/recdande3.html
(There should be many more recipe on web, do your own search)

Dandelion Wine #3
Makes about 4 gallons

Pick 2 to 3 gallons of fresh, yellow dandelion flower tops. Remove all green.
Slice up three oranges and two lemons and one pound of raisins.
Put all this into a primary fermentor and pour four gallons of boiling water over the flowers, raisins and fruit. Let the mixture cool overnight.
Add enough sugar to bring the SG to 1.090 to 1.100 and add one pack of wine yeast.
After 10 days strain out the flowers and fruits and siphon into a carboy and attach an airlock ferment 30 days.
Rack and put back into carboy for further fermenting.
After 90 days rack again and bottle when clear.

It is ready to drink in 6 months. This recipe is said to be good for rose petal wine in a similar manner.
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发表于 2010-9-3 16:24 | 只看该作者
不用带, 可以自己找。不自酿的 可以去找 代酿, 人工费用 约35-50刀/一桶(一桶=11.5或23公升 = 14至30瓶)。

代酿@ http://sinoquebec.com/bbs/showthread.php?t=622118。 自己看电话簿 查地址+电话#。
( The one in Lasalle moved to 1377 Dollard, no longer near Sami Fruit.  Same phone#, only few streets over. )
Post by yasiwu;2664566
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发表于 2010-9-3 16:44 | 只看该作者

Costco AR Wine Kit Sales, 30/8-19/9/10

$14 off on all AR wine kits at Costco, August 30- Sept. 19, 2010.

Chardonnay, Merlot and Shiraz are available at all stores*.

Please check AR website for listing of Costco stores.  All outlets within Montreal island are listed.
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发表于 2010-9-3 16:51 | 只看该作者

Initiation a la connaissance des vins 班

Initiation a la connaissance des vins:
cours pour adultes
Lundi, de 18h a 20 h
$100, 6 semaine

Centre Jean-Claude Malepart
2633 rue Ontario Est, 514-521-6884

- Mardi 7 septembre de 18h a 21h
- Mercredi 8 septembre de 18h a 21h
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发表于 2010-9-9 15:18 | 只看该作者

Vive le Vin! 12月12日14- 15:30 免费讲座

Dimanche 12 décembre 14h-15:30

Conférence de Nick Hamilton : Vive le Vin!
Chroniqueur vins au journal Voir et actif dans le domaine depuis plus de trente ans, Nick Hamilton vous livrera ses coups de coeur a moins de 30$ et vous guidera a travers cet univers aussi vaste que passionnant.  L’occasion idéale de s’inspirer pour le temps des fêtes!

Maximum :  200 personnes
Inscription : obligatoire (activité est gratuit)

Bibliothèque du Mile End
5434, Avenue du Parc
Section Adultes :  514-872-2141
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发表于 2010-9-17 22:27 | 只看该作者
Tried the Borolo at one year, too harsh.  Had another bottle few months ago, nice light table wine.  Went well with BBQ chicken (the terrible ones from Supermarket)

We loved the Valpolicela Ripasso, ~$20 quality (at last I made a good one ), but friend preferred the Borolo.:mad:
Post by montrealpost;1547567
寻1人, 合买一桶自灌Borolo红葡萄酒。每人14瓶。一桶酒 =~$~92.71 = 28x750ml 瓶酒, +空的酒瓶@~$0.65。每人~$46.36+自己的空酒瓶, 或加酒瓶钱。

如果有3人, 合买2桶自灌酒, Borolo + 一个不同的口味(Valpolicella或Chianti; 有30多个味道选择)。一样每人14瓶。

需要预付金钱, 然后等4到6个星期灌酒瓶。如果您从未购买自灌酒或家里自酿酒, 我无法与您合买酒。Borolo 不适合第一次的买家 。请留下您的电话号码/eMail (和您是否有汽車) 或发我PM 。

我不是卖酒的, 请不要问我问题, 您自己查寻; 请不要害我的贴子给网管删除。谢谢!
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