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发表于 2009-1-7 17:53 | 只看该作者
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发表于 2009-1-19 11:30 | 只看该作者


东求西骗,派了多少瓶酒,才骗到一份评语。  无良!!  :frown:

"我的第一桶就酿好了,非常不错,呵呵。都装瓶了。 (这位同学的~28.5瓶酒, 不到七天派完了!)

感想:这是我第一次用这种正统的方法在montreal酿的第一桶红葡萄酒。历时一个半月。从时间上第一阶段还是很严格的(他的意思是: 约第7天时,葡萄汁降到1.010以下, 要siphon),其他阶段比较灵活,可以放很久。这次一半加糖,一半没加,比较dry的口味。经大家品尝,得到一致好评,自己也觉得不错,很成功,跟买的味道是一样的。还是dry一点的比较好,有那种特有的涩的单宁味道,如果挑剔的话,感觉还是欠缺了点那种回味无穷,圆润的感觉,可能还需要一段时间吧,我想会更好。

自己能做出这种酒很高兴  。  。  。  。  。  。  。  。  当做一生的爱好  。  。  。  。  。  。  。  。  。 "

MP 后语:
-  通常葡萄酒是会越变越好。这位同学做的是 Costco - AR - Merlot, $1的材料, 我仍然怀疑不一定变好。 同学们要自己试 才知道。
- 回味无穷嘛?! 当然有,圆润的/清素的/风华绝代的/风??存的/落落大方的, MP还在为自己的三妻四妾   。  。  。  。  。  努力中。    
- 即使你们只计划 停留几个月或一年,可以考虑 尝试一下。加拿大的特特产, 材料+设备 在美国买更贵, 在英国买是更更贵; 那是如果你可以找到的话。
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2009-1-21 13:26 | 只看该作者

一起购买 自酿 葡萄酒/啤酒 工具

Equipment only:
Basic Wine/Beer Making Starter Kit: ~$57.XX +tax
Deluxe Wine/Beer Starter Kit: ~$77.XX + tax (Wine Bottler and few extras included.)

- Recommend Deluxe Kit, as u'll get everything u need except beer caper.
- Recommend buying Beer Caper at same time(not included in any kit), ~$11+tax
- Could be anywhere 10-20% off.  
- I won't go unless there's more than 10 people, hopefully by end of February -> mid March.
(Else this posting CLOSED)

- If interested, leave your eMail here.  If u don't want to wait, please put your last date here also.
- Need car, anyone who has it please state it.
- I DO NOT call people.
- PLEASE do not PM me.

U can pick up beer kit(s) at same time:  

** Kit expiry dates ~May/June, 2009 , u need to start making it soon after **
Beer Kit: 4 varieties @ $8.99+tax (Regular $14-$19, no further discount)
(by Coopers from Australia: Lager, Draft, Real Ale, Bronde)
~Sugar for beer making: Liquid or solid ~$2.XX-$3.50+tax

I will not post address of store here as web master will delete.  If anyone volunteer to re-distribute address, I'd be happy to give out address.
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发表于 2009-2-16 10:18 | 只看该作者
Rumors that glass carboy went from ~$20 to ~$40.  Price for deluxe kit most likely has increased.
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发表于 2009-2-18 10:41 | 只看该作者

Paklab Roadshow Feb 2-22, 09

The Paklab duo has been on Roadshow in Central Market, ending 22nd Feb, $17 discount this time.

Haven't heard anything from AR.  For the last 2 yrs, they were always on sales AT THE SAME TIME, not this time.

Don't know when the next road show will be.  General rule of thumb for Wine Kits (all companiesS) ==> there seems to be always sales for Father's Day.  So check them out few weeks before.
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发表于 2009-2-18 10:42 | 只看该作者

Notes on Argentia Ridge

My 2nd tasting of AR Shiraz
Bottled 17/12/08, about 2 months old, no decanting needed.  Still find wine acceptable, didn't get much lighter on 2nd day like the last batch of AR Merlot.  Full pack of oak used, definitely too much for Shiraz.  A little residual sugar in wine, same for AR Merlot, which I don't like but doesn't bother anyone else.

Notes on AR Oak
We love oak, normally double up the oak quantity on most of my wine kits.  For AR:
- I've heard many comments and we all agreed that it's a bit too much.  
- Most of us also agree that the oak taste is nice, quite special and different from most kit companies.
- Had an AR Merlot at one year old, I was the only one out of ~30 people who find the oak tasted bitter.
- AR oak pack is about 4 times the size of other wine kits.  Hence, for people who are not crazy about oak, start with 50% of the oak pack(my next Shiraz).  Those who don't know, can start with 75%(my next Merlot).  This is assuming that AR doesn't change the quantity and supplier of their oak chips.

All Costco wine kits are for my buddy, I only have few tastings on the 2 AR.  The earliest I could make them again will be next winter, then +2 years for tastings  .  .  .  .  .   

I still hold the same comment==>  AR provide better value than Vino Europa(too light); both good for its price.

Believe this will be my last comment to this thread, hope the information help some of u.  

Any question?
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发表于 2009-2-18 10:47 | 只看该作者
Not sure, but most likely going to the store next week.  Anyone want equipment and/or beer kit?
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2009-2-21 09:44 | 只看该作者

谢谢朋友的提醒,Paklab 的 Vino Europa 白葡萄酒 Duo Kit 是不错的, Chardonnay/Semillion.

For those of u who prefer sweet wine, u can add Wine Conditioner after wine is made.  Not sure if they sell them at Costco, if not, buy them at other wine supply stores ($4-5/bottle).  Do your bench test (=trial & error with 1 glass) before u decide on quantity to add to batch.  Full bottle for 1 batch is definitely too sweet.

Some people prefer them(white+red) FRESH = when wine is first made, it's the fruitiest.  U have to try it for yourself.


再次提醒各位同学们:  在安大略省买 wine kit [color="Red"]没有销售税。

如果您有朋友在安大略省 可以帮忙在Costco 买 AR 和/或 Paklab,请随时与我联系 PM或eMail MontrealPost at Hotmail点com (no spaces).  (3月以后 我不会经常在网上, 但电子邮件长期有效期。)

Happy Wine Making!
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2009-2-22 20:15 | 只看该作者


你好。我对自酿啤酒的设备感兴趣。 我的Email:zxliucn@hotmail.com.

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使用道具 举报

发表于 2009-2-22 21:40 | 只看该作者


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