Post by 红星闪闪
few points about medical expense credit.
1. you can claim any 12 conscutive months (jan to dec or Jun to next May). if you expect major medical expense next year, you can save the amount to the next peirod. or if you have expenses but less than 3%.
2. group insurance prieum is not taxable benefit, but you can claim as your medical expense
3. if you have a spouse, claim all the expense on one tax return (husband or wife)
i agree group insurance premium is not taxable benefit. but i am confusing why company contribution is included in income on R1, and it is shown as taxable benefit on my pay stub of each period. because of this taxable benefit, actually i pay tax every period. i am doubting if it belongs to private healthy insurance, because it is taxable in quebec, but not federal.
anyway, i just want to make sure i can claim both contribution in my ITR. so i can claim them, right! |