人跟人不一样, 有的人喜欢知道结果有的人无所谓. 如果你认为result可以就不必前去, 完全可以告诉秘书, 我想他们也不会勉强你去的. 5 ]9 F- w" q( x) s# {
2 I* S4 [* w* I: O
我是去那里看过一次病, 也就是例行检查, Dr挺nice, 周围认识很多朋友也去过那里. 我在等候的时候亲眼看到医生老婆帮一个语言不好的同胞做翻译打电话到医院查询化验结果, 又没多要一分钱, 当时我就觉得他们这么乐意帮助大家真是好事. 如果人家真要赚钱的话, 完全可以要什么翻译费吧, 就象那个Dr. Mok还有Dr. Hum, 每次都收$20, 病人也没话好说.0 N" x/ c3 s' ~# Z6 T+ s4 T
+ T, H( L/ y- s* J& {9 b% u2 d
Post by Ronaguy
+ b1 G% ]7 @, P6 _( g you might be the doctor's wife or nurse, or related...?
* c# \! l* w2 N0 Z# E4 qobvious, the clinic wants money, why they want lz's husband come? actually he eventually come, and they still charge 40 $. strange! only because late? but the doctor see other patients, the doctor did not lose anything.... they just want more excuse for money... If the results is fine, actually, the patient does not need to come, just waste time and the doctor makes more money |