楼主: 欲望草
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发表于 2004-5-27 23:59 | 只看该作者
我们也不希望这里充满脏话. 你"发贴少, 为这里保持干净"的想法是非常正确的, 希望你能努力保持下去. 特别是不要恶意攻击女同胞, 什么叫躺下去就犯贱? 要知道大家都有妻子母亲女儿姐妹的, 照你60%的比率, 谁家都逃不了.

另外, 关于头发跟见识的比例关系好象太片面了吧, 这里很多男同胞也都愿意留着头发呢.
Post by sinoquebec001
头发长呢,见识就是短. 这个版块我可不希望也充满脏话.


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发表于 2004-5-28 00:16 | 只看该作者
Post by 欲望草



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发表于 2004-5-28 01:11 | 只看该作者
什么叫你贱的伟大理由? 恕偶没有想说服你的意思. 因为贱与不贱都是你说的, 你比别人更爱好这个字, 是什么理由? 说是找不到别的字, 谁信? 大部分人可能一年里都用不到这个字呢! 咱们中文那么多美丽的字眼, 你就不会挑些大家都能接受的字眼讨论一下?

很抱歉关于你过往的优秀劣迹, 本人并无耳闻. 偶想很多人对出口成脏的人的贴子一般是忽略而过的. 什么样的人说什么样的话, 这里没人要你看不看得起什么, 你的满嘴贱字只不过折射出你自己的贱心理罢了.
Post by sinoquebec001
因为以前我对这个版块很关注,也因为我经常出口成脏;不愿发贴,因为发贴,难免出脏话. 如果你去过前面那两个版块,也会清楚的.

如果不同意,说出你"贱"的伟大理由来. 不要笑我目光短浅,说服我,应该有你们的理由.
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发表于 2004-5-28 16:32 | 只看该作者
normally i don't wanna reply to any topics in sinoquebec, but i can't help saying something to this topic, and it's just bunch of  stories i heard and i don't like to argue with you guys,  actually the most beautiful thing i learn in canada is to respect youself and the other people, and there's not absolutely right or wrong, especially for personal lifestyle.
1. i read ge xue's article and i'd like to congraduate that lady who found amazing love and sex for her life,  hope she can hold it as long as possible, actually that's what she thought, you can't say "forever" because you never know what happen in future.
2. now i'll tell you guys a story: i know a white guy who got a chinese girlfriend for couple of years, but they broke up recently and the guy told me he wanna break up with her,  he just felt it's boring to stay with her, and just like what that lady who's referred to in ge xue's article said: when the native guy say he loves you, it's true and someday he says he doesn't love you any more, it's true as well. and also that guy asked me if all chinese girls like her boyfriend to pay everything for her, even she can afford to, i joked to him: half and half.  
3. another story:  i know a chinese lady who's from Taiwan, she told me that one thing bothered her, she got a job which needed to communicate with native guys, and many native guys asked her intruduce chinese girls to them, and later she heard that chinese girls give them a impression: it' s easy to know each other and have a sex as well, and it' s much easier to break up , because most of chinese girls don't know much about law in canada, also have language and culture obstacle.
4. i got a good friend who's CBC( canadian bron chinese), he really wanna have chinese girlfriend, and he tried again and again, finally he told me he's so disappointed with chinese girl and he's gotta turn to white girls.  because he told me that every time he hanged out with chinese girl, he gotta pay the check, but after a couple of times, when he wanna develop their relationship, girls either say i already got a boyfriend or i'm traditional girl, and he really mad at this: there's a chinese girl who declare to him that she's so traditional that he can't touch her hands when they went to movie, but she lived with a white guy she just knew him a couple of days later. my friend told me if you date a white girl and she just wanna be your friend, normally she doesn't want you to pay the check when you guys hang out, maybe just for the first time.
5. finally i hope every chinese person can find whatever he or she likes, by the way, i suggests we chinese guys take our life details seriously: have a bath everyday, cut your hair at least three weeks, put some male perfume on your shirt, be brave to know girls (no matter her colour) with unlimited smile, unlimited confidence, unlimited sense of humor( of course, it's hard to get second and third part, but you got practising), and sorry i don't have much to tell girls.  life is always beautiful.  take care, everybody.
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发表于 2004-5-29 17:26 | 只看该作者


To  *-sea & all,

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发表于 2004-5-29 22:30 | 只看该作者


Post by ptf88

1. i read ge xue's article and ...
2. now i'll tell you guys a story: ...
3. another story:...  
4. i got a good friend who's CBC...
5. finally i hope every chinese person can find whatever he or she likes, by the way, i suggests we chinese guys take our life details seriously: have a bath everyday, cut your hair at least three weeks, put some male perfume on your shirt, be brave to know girls (no matter her colour) with unlimited smile, unlimited confidence, unlimited sense of humor( of course, it's hard to get second and third part, but you got practising), and sorry i don't have much to tell girls.  life is always beautiful.  take care, everybody.

ptf88说得很中肯. 事实胜于雄辩. 但她也并没有从事实中简单地得出自己的结论, 而是不太偏颇地给我们提了醒. 我还是那个观点, 大家如果每个人都能凡事做到检讨一下自己, 于己,于社会都会有利的.
ptf88第五条提到的也是我很早就想说但一直就压着不说的. 为什么呢? 因为我深知造成那一情况的原因和广大中国男子的苦衷. 进而你可以联系到影响到所谓中国人"素质"问题的礼仪,小节上. 其主要原因是:
1)中国大环境影响下长期养成的习惯. 我们都知道, 习惯是很难短时间改的.
2)相关知识, 见识不多, 心里没有概念. 这其实主要是个教育问题. 一个人的教育来源主要是来自:家庭, 学校, 社会. 而父母没有从他们那代的教育源得到过相关教育,学校的老师也同样, 社会又是那样一个大环境, 再来教育下一代, 因此从教育上就形成了一个恶性循环.
3)一个很矛盾的情况是, 想指责我们在这里的男同胞的时候, 如果反过来站在他们的角度想一想, 又很难出口. 几乎每个人都在国内有相对来讲不错的背景, 来到这里忽然发现没有自己的位置, 一边调整着心态, 一边要为全家的生计奔波. 有在农场烈日下摘菜的, 有在餐馆干最苦的杂工的, 有扛包的, 有当侍者的... 劳动的疾苦不必说, 心态的失落, 失衡, 忍受的歧视与异族,同族的嘲笑, 用可怜的打工钱回到家里供奉家人时, 还要忍受被妻子嘲笑不够浪漫, 时刻担心家庭破裂的恐慌... 劝别人意志要坚强是件容易的事, 可那些事情如果真的落到自己身上是否能应付呢? 我现在已不能肯定忍辱负重是否是个优点, 但我知道, 如果我是一位中国女性, 当我看到自己的老公在忍受心理巨大的痛苦的情况下仍然用挣来的辛苦钱维系我日常的化妆品,我日常的吃喝,穿戴, 我的学业... 我应该会跟他一辈子的.
矛盾, 真是矛盾. 要做到看问题不偏激, 理性的分析不容易. 我们的问题的解决, 境况的改变不是一朝一夕, 甚至我们这一代能够办到的. 这么多年, 无论走到哪里, 还不是几乎每个人身上都能看到"中国"两个字的影响. 归结下来, 国家需要变, 需要改...
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发表于 2004-5-30 04:49 | 只看该作者


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发表于 2004-5-30 07:14 | 只看该作者


Post by 大丈夫333

嘿嘿, 兄弟, 俺在这里举地那些例子是那些已婚地. 至于没嫁地, 可以从这些已婚男士身上看到些好地品质. 关于要是俺有个女儿待嫁地问题, 没经历过, 俺想象不到. 要不你假装当俺闺女咱们试试? 玩笑哩, 别急...
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发表于 2004-5-30 07:36 | 只看该作者


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发表于 2004-5-30 07:45 | 只看该作者
Post by 大丈夫333

你咋就没看出来俺是替你老婆担心尼? 关于俺要是有个女儿要嫁地问题, 你就不必操心哩, 那是俺们自己地事. 你管好你自己地老婆就行咧...
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