Never heard that we have to pay 定金 to the mortgage broker?? I have a mortgage broker that have been dealing with her for 2 properties, a white woman, very professional, and we never need to pay her any commission or 定金. She gets paid by the bank who gives you the mortgage, and she always seeks the best deal for us among all the banks she represents.
Post by Pont;2537005
不光是地产JJ,对贷款经纪也要小心。我有个新移民朋友,看中一个生意,从银行贷不了款,着急之下找了个西人的贷款经纪SXX公司。也是一开始吹得天花乱坠,说自己如何厉害,能一两天就能搞定贷款,但条件是定金不返还,无论是否能贷到款。朋友一方面着急,另一方面相信了对方的胡吹,匆忙之中签了约。结果可想而知,两个月过去了都没搞定,3000多元的定金打了水漂。这都是血的教训。。 |