black bird, if you need someone who sings with you for that song"QING CHUN WU HUI"(ballad of Campus), i would be best candidate, always deeply touched with this song. i was a good singer,believe me.
1. 模范情书已经拿下; "青春无悔"是我搞错了, 以前没唱过, 以前爱唱的"青春无悔"专辑中的最后一首歌, 名字不记得乐; SORRY, "strangers", I believe you are a good singer, but let's find another song, maybe you have an idea?
2. 优昙: 星期六吧;
3. "流沙"听了. 不错呀, 会学的, 不过等一等....这个星期有可能先把"简单朋友"搞定;