Hi, Wutong,
Actually, I read Fred's article here at SinoQuebec. Thanks for join us here.
To Mr. Zee
1. I value people most are their kindness, the way they treat their families, their neighbors and friends, their country men,their fellow huamn beings.
2. We are much more closely related (gene wise)than most of us think. It is a fact the gene pool in africa alone is much richer than the rest of the world combined.
3. There are stupid people all over the world. Please watch some of American TV show, i.e. Jerry Springer, Judge Joe Brown, People's court.
4. Who gives you the right to look down 1.3 billion people! They are our families, friends and relatives. This is not a question of politically correctness, it has nothing to do with it, this is about respect. We, no matter who we are, should never ever forget where we are coming from, we should be very honest to ourselves.
5. ZEE, imagine you have all the most advanced technologies in the world, you have 95% of the money of the world, even you can sleep with 1000 beautiful women, you can live in a 1000 storeies building with a garden bigger than Yuan Ming Yuan, but you do not have a friend, a classmate, a family that loves you, then, what do you really have? Think about it. You are going to be like 'petitami', it is your choice, it is your life. |