楼主: antoine
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发表于 2007-3-19 11:48 | 只看该作者
god subject. up!
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2007-3-24 15:09 | 只看该作者

General Development Test

1, attract:
2, single tax for income 120,000$
3,  cubic  meters
4, see creatures,Whale,,Shark,,Rainbowfish ,,Cichlid , Ladder loach  ,old wife
5, plant
7, fish breath above the water
8, bus schedule
9, AD is made by, production department, salve departement, other department
10, gurantee include stove or  not
11, salary is 8.00 $  per  hour,  overtime  is  1.5 times,
      if how much one works for 10 hours
12, weekly 200$ or commition 3%
      whichever is better
       weekly salve 8000$, how much to make
13, which shelf is stronger for different way to rob
14,  the most danger: nuclear emittion, earthquake or volcano,tornado
16, moving land hitting boat
17, Maya makes 8.00 $ per hour,John makes money by project, Maya works 38   hours per week, how much John makes
18, animal: not human being without bacteric.
19, cell is a little as hole of  pin
21, the seased hitting
22, Gramar error, Punctuation error, NE no error
      What is error. Punctuation error so markd P
23, Bob was working as general position
24, the accident happened for the ladder to fall  down
25, the neighbor called the ambulance
26, "the leg was broken" was said in the hospital
27, Eric makes money by painting the house, 90$ per day,
Eric works when it is not rain and sun shine. If it is not raining for 6 days  avergerlly,  how  much  to  make  for  one  week?
28,the most dangerous disasters:
A, environments disasters,
B, nuclear disaster,
C, traffic accident,
E, earthquake,
F, offense of the drivers
29, livelihood 生计,,ecosystem 生态系,,,
disaster 灾害,, manifest 体现,,,hazards 危险 ,,, exacerbating vulnerable conditions 恶化脆弱的情况 ,,survive and thrive 生存和兴旺,. catastrophic disasters 灾难灾害 ,,, non-enduring 非忍受,,Volcano,,volcanic eruption  火山, 火山发,,,earthquake,tornado
地震, 龙卷风
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2007-3-25 14:58 | 只看该作者
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发表于 2007-3-25 17:12 | 只看该作者

What happened here?

Post by yby
?What happened here?什么这里发生了?:confused:
It  would be Free of charge  for  your  questions ? Yes, so  go  ahead  if  you  like.
G,    Grammar error
P,    Punctuation error
NE,  No error

The puctuation error exist, so one candidate marked the circle near the letter P
on the answer sheet.
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发表于 2007-5-10 12:24 | 只看该作者
招 大卡车司机  Class 1,  tractor-trailer,

待遇好, 每周回家。

电话: 514- 735-5363
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2007-5-14 12:16 | 只看该作者
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2007-8-14 19:03 | 只看该作者

What should do in Changing Lanes

One failed student driver did not check the mirrors before steering in the lane.

What should do in Changing Lanes

1. Before you decide to change lanes, you need to find out if it is possible
   and safe to do so.

2. Checkto see how heavy the traddic is and how fast other vehicles are going;
   you must also check your rearview mirrors and blind spots to see if there is
   anyone beside you or about to overtake you.

3. Turn on the turn-signal light to indicate your intention to change lanes.

4. Check your rearview mirrors once more, then check your blind spots to make sure you can still change lanes. Determine whether the distance between yourself and other vehicles has changed in the meantime.

  Once you have completed these steps, avoid abrupt(Unexpectedly sudden) movements and inch your vehicle
slowly but surely into the other lane. This will show other driver that you are now on the point of changing lanes so that they can act accordingly.
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2007-8-19 21:57 | 只看该作者
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 楼主| 发表于 2007-8-20 14:36 | 只看该作者


我要先说食,虽说衣食住行,但民以食为天,不知哪个不解风情的家伙把衣放在第一位,难道有了遮羞布就生活无忧了,解决温饱问题为什么不说是解决饱温问题呢,所以说伪君子永远是伪君子.说实话,食是长途TRUCKER,尤其是中国籍司机最大的问题,带食物不可能带的太多,而且你计划吃的东西到时候可能没胃口再去吃,要去TRUCK STOP,那里的食物确实令人不敢恭唯,味道差,价钱高,热量大,爱吃不吃,没得选择,关键是根本不和中国人的胃口,我们的胃就是装米粒的,西人的东西实在是不习惯,为了生存,不得不吃.我现在的办法是,装一个INVENTER,带个MICRO-WAVE,一个COOLER,车上还有一个冰箱,尽量多带几个便当,最好平均每天能有一顿中国饭,再带些水果饮料,想吃得象在家里一样是不可能了,同时这样也可以节省时间,把车停在REST AREA,用微波炉一热就行了,省下的时间可以用来多休息,否则出一趟TRUCK STOP,没有一个小时都下不来.
再说衣,一个标准的TRUCKER,一开车门,先下来一只穿着皮靴的脚,这是劳动保护的那种鞋,大概坦克压上去脚也不会受伤,很多TRUCKER一年四季都穿,防护意识相当强,是很好的习惯,估计鞋脱下来后味道也是相当可观的,我有些受不了,多时候穿着便鞋,走路时相当小心,伤了可不是闹着玩的.鞋上面是条牛仔裤,再往上就是T恤以及里面的大肚子了,面上一副墨镜,头上一棒球帽,还有就是一副劳动防护的眼镜和安全帽,平时不太用.还有长途TRUCKER要带很多套内衣裤,要像广告上说的 :CHANGE DAILY.
住还有什么可说的呢,每天都睡在车厢里,空间小,空气流通不好,每天早晨起来我都感觉眼睛不舒服,可能是车里的被我呼来呼去的刺激的吧.也有例外,有次去NEW MEXICO,车坏了,送修车厂,住了几天MOTEL,那是比较舒服的,有泳池,INTERNET,CABLE TV,晚上还有HAPPY HOUR,啤酒随便,白吃白喝,可是车也不会总坏,尤其是要是自己的车就更不盼着坏了.还有就是一般我到TEXAS的LAREDO,有时我会去住MOTEL,这里的天气非常热,与其开着空调轰着发动机,还不如消消停停的花几十圆好好休息呢,有的TRUCKER喜欢过了边境去找墨西哥小姐开心,50美金, 墨西哥小姐又漂亮,又白,价格又合理,这是大家没想到的吧,哈哈.
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2007-8-20 17:41 | 只看该作者
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