楼主: montrealpost
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 楼主| 发表于 2011-2-4 16:19 | 只看该作者


除了中国的蛋糕店(楼下#34),你对 "买现成的" 有什么心得啊?!有空时间说说。

以前朋友告诉我,说 Jessica 的品牌比较好,不会太甜。我在Providgo 看见过。
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 楼主| 发表于 2011-2-4 17:02 | 只看该作者

自己动手,丰衣足食! 这个网站 姐妹们的方法 大部份是海绵蛋糕,那个很难的,我也做不到。看哪年  。 。  。!

The quick breads that I've mentioned below are really easy, just make sure that your baking powder are still active(= not expired).  Baking powder si-sle in hot tap water.  Library closing soon, bye for now!
Post by 美食专家;2793748
   。 。  。我按那位Happy妹妹的方法和其他姐妹们的方法都试做过了,但就是结果比你的那个小石头还硬。如果我告诉你我为此浪费了多少材料,我怕你会骂我为此在连累了猪美美。 。  。  。
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发表于 2011-2-4 17:52 | 只看该作者
Post by montrealpost;2794356

自己动手,丰衣足食! 这个网站 姐妹们的方法 大部份是海绵蛋糕,那个很难的,我也做不到。看哪年 。 。 。!

The quick breads that I've mentioned below are really easy, just make sure that your baking powder are still active(= not expired). Baking powder si-sle in hot tap water. Library closing soon, bye for now!

告诉你吧就没有我没买过的材料,什么baking powder and baking soda 最终全充当了去污粉用了。
montrealpost 妹妹, 看了你其他帖子了不起呀, 你真是人才呀,羡慕的我咬牙瞪眼流口水,恨我为什么不是个帅哥:mad:
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 楼主| 发表于 2011-2-5 12:12 | 只看该作者
嘻嘻,我还想急 call 大猪小猪 全部跟我回家吃饭!:cool:

"告诉你吧就没有我没买过的材料"  ==> 我们共同的 辛酸悲? 教训 :frown:,我还要加个"没有我没买过的烘焙用具+工具"。有钱有时间 买东东时,没时间做,最后大部分是搬家时 还没有用过 就送给朋友或捐赠了,超伤心的! :frown:

我们现在住的地方超小,也不想重复那个教训,现在我买任何烤盘/东东前,全部认真想n次。一个广东美女告诉我的 ==> 大不了,用饭碗烤蛋糕,呵呵!她还说用 muffin 纸,无需清洗。看来,你是时间去探朋友了 ,记得多带几个小容器。:cool:  你先尝试做一个试试。Don't buy anything unless u believe you will continue to use them.

"正因为买现成的不好吃,才想自己学做。 " ==> 有空时间说说 what 不好吃。

我昨天扒在网上 :p,未做奶酪蛋糕。明天朋友请吃饭,一会儿玩完针织后,马上回家给朋友烤个胡萝卜蛋糕。

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 楼主| 发表于 2011-2-5 13:44 | 只看该作者
教人? 怎教? 不会 :rolleyes:

以前买了很多菜谱的书,现在全放仓库,只保留一本 "Joy of Cooking" 书。上一次搬家,我又扔掉几箱的  。 。 。 。 。 伤心!

已经说过,我不会做海绵蛋糕,现在选择做懒人 Quick Bread,真的只需要 搅搅搅 。只有 Mr. MP 一个人吃蛋糕,通常我:
- 只做食谱的一半 (一个人吃),
- 只放食谱的 70-80% 面粉, (recipe calls for measurement of SIFTED flour, hence less before sifting)
- 只放食谱的一半糖,
- 烘烤的时间 少10-20分钟, 看烤盘的厚度和类型(玻璃 vs. 金属)。

Quick Bread 似乎有点问题,好像味道有点类似:
- 选择一个你认为 味道跟上一次有很大不同的,
- 想不到时,去商店/超市 看看他们卖什么。12月时,我去了Starbucks + Second Cup 看。

胡萝卜蛋糕(#36) + 香蕉蛋糕(#39) 的食谱 已经写在楼下。
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 楼主| 发表于 2011-2-6 15:13 | 只看该作者


Besides notes written below, u need to:

-  all ingredients(egg, milk, etc.) should be at ROOM temperature,
-  PREHEAT oven = oven should be at the temperature required when u put batter in,
-  check if your oven is correct - A repair-man told me that some ovens are off specification.  He suggested to check temperature with "~themometer" from dollar store (I can't recall seeing one).
e.g. a friend of mine needs to add 50 or 75F each time when she bakes, or is it 100F :rolleyes: .

If temperatures are OK, Baking Powder + Soda not expired, I can't see anyone failing their Quick Bread.  Good luck and have fun!
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 楼主| 发表于 2011-7-4 11:04 | 只看该作者


终于,n 个月前让 Mr. MP 跟邻居碰上了,两个坏蛋交换心得 :mad:!还各自封做 Cobaye#1 跟Cobaye#2 :eek!: 。 部分评论是不够甜,NND,我继续做我的半糖蛋糕!

去年冬天,烤了许多蛋糕,平均每周一次吧。现在 n 多 cobayes 了(= 小白鼠) 。 终于知道 蛋糕烤得如何,只要是熟了,其他全部不是问题 - 不够甜,不够蓬松,口感不好,味道不好 。 。 。 。 他们会全部帮我吃光!(我身边太多圣男 :p )

有一次,放得太多盐+太多柠檬皮,又咸又苦的,他们竞然也可以吃光 :eek!: 。 还是有一点点甜的 :cool:!
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 楼主| 发表于 2011-7-4 14:27 | 只看该作者

Brioche a la creme sure - 酸奶油蛋糕

明明是普通的~咖啡蛋糕 (coffee cake),brioche :confused: 。 。 。 。  让那些会专业烹饪的看见 。 。 。 。 一定吐血! 但是这个食谱做的蛋糕,真的不错。

Brioche à la crème sure (原食谱抄自 http://www.recettes.qc.ca/livre/recette.php?id=19094)
Ingredients A / 材料A:
1 1/3 tasse (330ml) farine a patisserie / 1⅓ 杯 糕点面粉 (家贫,没有,用同量的普通面粉 - 我[color="red"]减量 )
2 c. a the (10ml) poudre a pate / 2茶匙 发酵粉
1 c. a the (5ml) bicarbonate / 1茶匙 小苏打

Ingredients B / 材料B:
1/2 tasse (125ml) beurre / ½杯 黄油 (家贫,用一半黄油 + 一半菜油/橄榄油 )
1 tasse (250ml) sucre / 1杯 糖 (我永远只放一半糖)
2 oeufs / 2个 鸡蛋
1 c. a the (5ml) vanille / 1茶匙 香草精华 (家贫,没有,没放 )
1 tasse (250ml) creme sure / 1杯 酸奶油 (家贫,没有,用酸奶 yogurt 替代)

Ingredients C / 材料C: (家贫,没有,我不放这堆东东
1/4 tasse (60ml) cassonade tassee / ¼杯 红糖
1 c. a soupe (15ml) cannelle / 1汤匙 肉桂粉
2 c. a soupe (30ml) noix hachees finement / 2汤匙 坚果碎

1。  材料A - 同筛.
2。  材料B - 搅搅,搅搅,再搅搅 :p
3。  材料C - (用的话) 搅搅,礼成 :cool:

4。 将材料A 加到 材料B里,搅搅。
5。 组装: (烤模擦油)
- 倒 1 /2 的面液(#4) 进模具里,
- 倒 1 /2 的材料C 在上面,
- 倒 1 /2 的面液(#4) 在上面,
- 最后,倒 1 /2 的材料C 在上面。
6。 350C烤45-50分钟。

我从来也不用材料C的,第一次用了蔓越莓酱(cranberry sauce) ,蛋糕里加椰丝 ,那天我的厨柜里有很多嘛:p。烤了许多次,次次不同,我柜里有什么就用什么。现在有很多冰冻蓝莓 。 。 。 下次做 。 。 。 反转蓝莓芝士蛋糕:confused:  材料C改成芝士蛋糕料,why not ,嘻嘻!下下次玩奶油椰蓉包的椰蓉馅(#11楼无涤写了),哈哈!
下下下次玩 花生酱 :confused:  芝麻酱 :confused: 辣椒酱 :confused:

brioche.jpg (0 Bytes, 下载次数: 1241)

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 楼主| 发表于 2011-11-11 14:30 | 只看该作者
Another season starting . . . . . no sales on flour and sugar yet.   No time to write now, posting pictures of Cheese Danish and Cream Cheese Coffee Cake.  Video @ http://www.americastestkitchen.c ... ail.php?docid=26927

Cream Cheese Coffee Cake - Makes one 10-inch cake, serving 12 to 16
Leftovers should be stored in the refrigerator, covered tightly with plastic wrap. For optimal texture, allow the cake to return to room temperature before serving.

Lemon Sugar-Almond Topping - 1/4 cup sugar, 1 1/2 teaspoons finely grated zest from 1 lemon, 1/2 cup sliced almonds
2 1/4 cups (11 1/4 ounces) unbleached all-purpose flour
1 1/8 teaspoons baking powder
1 1/8 teaspoons baking soda
1 teaspoon table salt
10 tablespoons (1 stick plus 2 tablespoons) unsalted butter , softened but still cool
1 cup plus 7 tablespoons sugar
1 tablespoon finely grated zest plus 4 teaspoons juice from 1 to 2 lemons
4 large eggs
5 teaspoons vanilla extract
1 1/4 cups sour cream
8 ounces cream cheese , softened

1. FOR THE TOPPING: Adjust oven rack to middle position and heat oven to 350 degrees. Stir together sugar and lemon zest in small bowl until combined and sugar is moistened. Stir in almonds; set aside.

2. FOR THE CAKE: Spray 10-inch tube pan with nonstick cooking spray. Whisk flour, baking powder, baking soda, and salt together in medium bowl; set aside. In stand mixer fitted with paddle attachment, beat butter, 1 cup plus 2 tablespoons sugar, and lemon zest at medium speed until light and fluffy, about 3 minutes, scraping down sides and bottom of bowl with rubber spatula. Add eggs 1 at a time, beating well after each addition, about 20 seconds, and scraping down beater and sides of bowl as necessary. Add 4 teaspoons vanilla and mix to combine. Reduce speed to low and add one-third flour mixture, followed by half of sour cream, mixing until incorporated after each addition, 5 to 10 seconds. Repeat, using half of remaining flour mixture and all of remaining sour cream. Scrape bowl and add remaining flour mixture; mix at low speed until batter is thoroughly combined, about 10 seconds. Remove bowl from mixer and fold batter once or twice with rubber spatula to incorporate any remaining flour.

3. Reserve 1¼ cups batter and set aside. Spoon remaining batter into prepared pan and smooth top. Return now-empty bowl to mixer and beat cream cheese, remaining 5 tablespoons sugar, lemon juice, and remaining teaspoon vanilla on medium speed until smooth and slightly lightened, about 1 minute. Add ¼ cup reserved batter and mix until incorporated. Spoon cheese filling mixture evenly over batter, keeping filling about 1 inch from edges of pan; smooth top. Spread remaining cup reserved batter over filling and smooth top. With butter knife or offset spatula, gently swirl filling into batter using figure-8 motion, being careful to not drag filling to bottom or edges of pan. Firmly tap pan on counter 2 or 3 times to dislodge any bubbles. Sprinkle lemon sugar-almond topping evenly over batter and gently press into batter to adhere.

4. Bake until top is golden and just firm, and long skewer inserted into cake comes out clean (skewer will be wet if inserted into cheese filling), 45 to 50 minutes. Remove pan from oven and firmly tap on counter 2 or 3 times (top of cake may sink slightly). Cool cake in pan on wire rack 1 hour. Gently invert cake onto rimmed baking sheet (cake will be topping-side down); remove tube pan, place wire rack on top of cake, and invert cake sugar-side up. Cool to room temperature, about 1½ hours. Cut into slices and serve.

Danish.jpg (0 Bytes, 下载次数: 1137)


Cheese2.JPG (0 Bytes, 下载次数: 1129)

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发表于 2011-11-18 23:40 | 只看该作者
Jean Talon 市场附近的 Première Moisson 有很多好吃的点心:Cheese cake, creme caramel ...
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