私人是很难以 trade in 得价格买到车的按照每年1.8万公里算,这辆车在10000左右,多出的历程按照300-400/万公里减,在具体看车的车况。
但这款车从88-99 年的车都不好,会有很多的毛病,建议不要买这款车。98年该款车的综合评价如下:
air conditioning,electrical system,engines exhaust, ignition system suspension ----normal;
transmission,braking system,paint,steering --below average
reliability---below average
Generally speaking, Honda accord is a good model.
also I feel it good.
It was and is No.?, can not remember, anyway among top 5, reliable used car in North America.
(at least USA)
About accident, it depends on how it happened. sometimes it maybe not a big problem.
But better have the mechanic check for you before you make up your mind.VIN history check also.
About Price. Is it DX, LX or EX model? there also makes price difference.and the condition,(interior and exterior).
personal opinions.just for reference. good luck
日本鸟人的车比美国车好在什么地方,你看lemon aid 就一目了然了。该杀的日本人做的车就是做的好,没有办法,我本来也打算买美国车或韩国车,但看了以后都不满意,在详细查一下资料,就更不敢买98年以前的美国车了,但98年以后的又买不起。
一般small car 以上的车,正常使用,车的寿命可以到25-30万公里,