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发表于 2009-1-5 15:58 | 只看该作者
i always give tips for at least 15% or more.
the only time i gave 1$ is in ''MAN CHENG'' in chinatown this chrismats.
the waiter was not friendly at all (the tall one), but he was friendly with who speak cantonais. we had to share the same table with others even they had some tables avaliable. i asked ''tie ban niu liu'', he gave me another one, and when i asked to change, he was like no happy like my mistake......
there were 3 french young man who shared the talbe with us, i think they had similar experience, cause the guy said to me:''this waiter is not polite.....no simile at all......so no tips!''

i still left 1$ even we hadn't a good time at this resort, one thing is for sure, i will never return back to this restaurant again!!!
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发表于 2009-1-5 17:56 | 只看该作者

Post by looflirpa
i always give tips for at least 15% or more.
the only time i gave 1$ is in ''MAN CHENG'' in chinatown this chrismats.
the waiter was not friendly at all (the tall one), but he was friendly with who speak cantonais. we had to share the same table with others even they had some tables avaliable. i asked ''tie ban niu liu'', he gave me another one, and when i asked to change, he was like no happy like my mistake......
there were 3 french young man who shared the talbe with us, i think they had similar experience, cause the guy said to me:''this waiter is not polite.....no simile at all......so no tips!''

i still left 1$ even we hadn't a good time at this resort, one thing is for sure, i will never return back to this restaurant again!!!
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发表于 2009-1-6 12:37 | 只看该作者
''Man cheng jiu jia'' is near ''guang zhou jiu jia''

they charge taxe to who speak mandarin and the local customers, but no taxe to the one who speck cantonais.....
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发表于 2009-1-6 17:28 | 只看该作者
满城 on south  side of la-Gau-che-tiere, few stores east of St. Urbain?
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发表于 2009-7-23 12:53 | 只看该作者


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发表于 2009-7-27 03:55 | 只看该作者


有很多时候会碰到各种各样的人  难免会碰到让自己心里不怎么舒服的服务或者客人 但说句实话 有时候你对客人真的服务很热情 并且做到了 一个服务生应做的事情 客人也对你笑迎满面 口口声声说谢谢 大家都很开心 但到结帐的时候 当客人付完餐钱 要走的时候 一个跟她吃饭的的朋友 “提醒”小费的时候 故意不给  但还很热情的对你的服务很热心的说谢谢啊 然后开心走掉...我遇到几次 因为毕竟不给小费的还是少数 但有些真的很过分 极少数 吃个几十块 真的一分没有的。到这个国家毕竟要有些入乡随俗 不能因为到中国餐馆就觉得 不给小费是应该的。我不是帮服务生要小费说话。但类似的情况 都不必要计较在心 过去就过去了 说实在的 我反正是觉得 有些人 到店里取外卖还给个3,4块 消费的人 是有点潇洒 只是个人观点。要是真遇到服务生对你很那个 或者没把你当回事的 不给小费也正常。但真的你对客人服务很周到了 也真的有那些不给小费的 还一次一次的来 也真的不好意思开口要  心想不给就不给吧 都是学生 没什么钱,但又想想 你要真图便宜 就别在外面吃了 自己做最省 这几块钱小费的钱省下来 再出来吃 未免我是觉得 失去了些什么
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发表于 2009-7-27 09:02 | 只看该作者
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发表于 2009-7-30 17:16 | 只看该作者
不给小费可耻!服务生就赚个TIP,底薪很低的,不给当然要遭白眼了。。再说要真在乎那3 5快钱,在家吃不就完了!
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