我在 Dave & Sam 那里修理过一次车身(有一块锈迹,同时后面的保险杠被别人蹭了一下,同时雨刮器坏了),Dave给我换了新的雨刮器,重新喷漆整个保险杠和有锈的地方,收取260元。价格我看比较的合理。最重要的事,活干得非常漂亮。在那里修车是我第一次心甘情愿的掏钱。现在,我和Dave 也成了比较熟悉的朋友,现在有什么问题,我基本上根本不考虑到别的车行去修理。
I have been around -- still in Great Canada! What have I been doing for living? Do you really want to know?
OK, I work three jobs for living:
1) work full-time at an office
2) work part-time as a driving instructor for a driving school (I have recently written a book for student drivers "Driving to Success" -- based on the inspirations I got from my top student).
3) work at home - housing cleaning, grocery shopping, laundry and family duties
4) weekend hobbies - sports activities and meeting with friends, chatting..