Post by smileheart
I wouldn't say that Miss Flower Montain should tempt that man. Attract him doesn't mean tempt him. Attract and tempt have essential difference. don't confuse them.
My clear mind is to be an attractive woman or a lovely lady, use drolly or joking way to melt a tense talk.
I learn this from west ladies. I find many west profession women are very charming and no man dare say any unpolit words to them.
All men would respect an attractive woman. This is the natural fact and the God's truth.
Man may respect a woman because of her excellent professional knoweldge, however, not every woman could be very excellent in her career.
this post is like most of the modern chinese tv plays, rendundent, dry, tedious, boring and made by those gong nong bing xue yuans, who lack the least education in literature or logics for imagination or creation.
I believe those who can't shut their organs properly, proper means always at the right time,
piss their pants!!