谁说的? 你说"most west men", 可能是因为我们接触到的不少西男是比较喜欢亚女.
其实老外分两种, 一种是只喜欢本族女性, 不会正眼瞧一下别的种族的(我们在他们眼里都长得差不多, 就象很多人看老外也觉得长得差不多); 另外一种中有的不care对方是什么种族也有喜欢黑的有的喜欢亚裔的偏好, 亚裔还分asian, idian等, 象我LG就觉得philippino女性最attractive. 总之每个人都有不同的taste, 我们千万不要自我感觉太良好啦...
跑题啦, 对不起.
其实LZ的问题是怎么跟一个高水平又很mean很tough的人共处, 我觉得改变他是不太容易的, 能调节的只有自己的心态, 就当在他那里学点本事吧. 看起来山花做的不错, 继续加油啊.
Post by smileheart
I know,as for most west men, almost every Chinese woman is very attractive. But your way just damages Chinese women's fame.
You seem to be pride of being Chinese, don't you want people think Chinese is mean person?
I prefer saying that let he( the genius) fall head over heel of Miss Flower Montain. Then he will never shout at her but miss her every day painfully for he can't get her love..... |