Wine change differently with corks (木瓶塞) vs. screw top (铝盖); manufacturers claim no difference. They need to save their costs; besides the cost of corks vs. screw top, the highest cost that they save is the DEFECTIVE bottles due to DEFECTIVE corks, not sure if it's 5 or 10% now. Defective rate keep increasing.
Post by 宁静 志远;2352985
MM, 咱是同好,我们买Gallo有几年了,发现没同是Gallo瓶塞的那种要比铝盖的口感好?为什么?
Liano is a good brand for red wine.
Matching wine with food is a subject on it's own, sort of like marriage. I had a big book on wine/food pairing; we start with THE wine, then find a food to match our intended wine. :p Start with http://www.saq.com/webapp/wcs/st ... amp;catalogId=10001
e.g. A classic matching 鹅肝 with Sauternes.
Post by lilyy;2352117
. . . . . . . 但是酒好喝呢。可是我叫不上来名字,就是觉的好喝。
怎么我平时买的酒,都没有酒店的好喝呢? Post by 宁静 志远;2352990
你试试红酒Liano,一般好点的酒店都有这个牌子,比较的上口! |