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发表于 2004-5-11 00:21 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
我前前后后打赢了5起官司。对于涨房租,其实就是去一下 Rental Board, 法官用电脑计算具体该涨多少。你根本都用不着说什么,然后法官说你们都回去,2周后受信得结果。去年答案是:1.67$, 舍去零头,涨1$2年也是类似,都没有超过4$的。每回房(老外)都是气得又吹胡子又瞪眼,一副撒泼样,和那些中国房东一个德行。

不要怕他们,那些中国房东恐吓你们论赢否,你都有记录等等,全都是吓唬新落地移民的。我前后打了5次房Rental Board 官司,都赢了,房东见了我就狠不得往地上打滚,可她和她老公还是没办法呀。上次我拒了房管员递交的房东恐吓信,他就怒气匆匆地直往墙上撞,然后跳着下了楼,笑死我了。

机构名称好象是: Genie Project 么的,Quebec Civil Consolar 的机构,免费帮助租户保护合法权益,楼上老外邻居5年前告诉我的。
地址: Cote-St-Catherine 铁出来(唯一出口),沿Victoria街朝北过马路,即朝plamonton铁方向,刚过马路,约5-10米,右手就是该机构大门,非常明亮。时间:900AM--4:00PM, 周三不办公。


其一,冬天太冷,打赢了,房东罚款减租25$/月。如果家有小孩小于15岁,或老人大于60岁,City Inspector 会采取更严厉的惩罚措施。
Re: Lack of heating
Dear Sir, Madam,
This is to bring to your attention the lack of adequate heating in my apartment. The City of Montreal by-laws require that apartments be heated at 21o Celsius (70 o farenheit). The lessor is bound to comply with the obligations imposed by law, by regulation or other by law respecting the safety or sanitation of the dwelling. For 4 days, the temperature in our appartment is 5-17o Celsius. If this situation is not remedied within twentiy-four(24) hours, I reserve my right to take any of the follwing actions:
1. To apply immediately to Rental Board for a rent reduction
2. Contact City Inspection Department to request an inspection.
3. Acquire sufficient space (electric) heaters to heat my apartment sufficiently and pursue you at the Rental Board at the end of the winter for the cost of the heaters and the additional electricity consumed.

Please govern yourself accordingly,
Yours truly, Addres


Dear Mr. Moghrabi,
I received your letter dated May 7, 2002, in which you accuse my family of keeping the apartment “unclean”, and in which you effectively blame my family for a problem which has existed in your buildings on (你的住宅building 地址)for years.

This is completely unacceptable, and I consider your accusations to be a form of harassment and slander which must cease immediately, or I will be forced to take appropriate legal action against you.

When I moved into my current apartment, there was mice poison in the kitchen and in the bathroom, under the heaters. What’s more, when we moved in, there was a very serious problem with birds droppings (over 10 cm’s thick) right outside our kitchen window, which took of over 2 years of complaining to get removed.

Several of our neighbors have confirmed to me that there were mice in the building. This problem still persists despite your attempts to exterminate the mice last year.

We have informed both yourself and the janitor of this problem on many occasions, but nothing has been done, and now you insult my family by attempting to blame us for your negligence.

It is the landlord’s responsibility to affect repairs and to ensure that the apartment is sanitary and clean. This is clearly stipulated in the Quebec Civil Code.

If you fail to assume your responsibility to address and effectively deal with the mice infestation in our apartment, I will have no choice but to pursue you at the Rental Board. In addition, I will exercise my rights regarding health and safety with the Montreal City Inspectors.

If the situation is not rectified within ten (10) days of the date of registration of this letter, I will have to:
1. Ask for an authorization to deposit my rent at the Rental Board, until you fulfill your obligations. (这是说,我将交房租到Rental Board, 而不是你房)
2. Ask for a reduction in rent due to lack of services.

Please do govern yourself accordingly,

Yours truly, Address

City inspector 地址: 5160 Boul. Decarie, Rez-de-chaussee, H3X 2H9. fAX: 872-2765, phone: 872-5160

Rental Board: Olympic Village -Wing D, 5199 sherbrooke east, office 2095 Groundfloor. By bus/metro: Viau Metro(green line), and then bus 132. or metro sherbrooke, and bus 182. Phone: 873-2245
发表于 2004-5-11 01:30 | 只看该作者
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发表于 2004-5-11 05:37 | 只看该作者
Project Genesis was the Jewish Community Organization before, a while it provides servises to whole Canadian society especially represeting for immigrants and low income-families. It is one of most remarkable and useful community organizations in Canadian society. Project Genesis also have one community lawyer who is very knowledgeable of the field about government benefit system, rental law, social and welfare law and immigration law etc.. It located on corner of Victoria st.  and Cote Ste-Catherine road(Metro Cote St-Catherine). Tel.: 514 738-2036 (Don't forget to bring your medicare card for your visit).

Here is another useful community services for housin
YMCA - Downtown Montreal--(514) 849-5331. Landlords and Tenants. Housing Hotline--(514) 488-0412 or 990-0190. McGill Legal Information Clinic--(514) 398-6792.

Here is another web might helpful too:

CSU Off-Campus Housing & Job BankConcordia Legal Information Services: Open Mondays 4:00pm-8

Keep this link for your future needs:
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 楼主| 发表于 2004-5-11 10:03 | 只看该作者


最后一句话应该改为:  当地房东会来和你调停,愣头蛮理的东欧房东会和你撞个头破血流,这也是我们希望看到的--减租罚款。”(以前的次序写反了)

另外我上周悠闲去钓鱼,旗开得胜,最大的是条13磅鲶鱼,70厘米长,又粗又凶,死大蛮力,拉得我鞋子裤子全湿透了(申明不是尿湿的),还差点折了崭新的宝贝竿,现在已啤酒下肚了。 看来都是一个道理,斗智斗勇,再叫嚣的对手最终都是会被制服的。 下回消费不了这么大的鲶鱼,有要的给个信。
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发表于 2004-5-11 10:48 | 只看该作者
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发表于 2004-5-11 12:08 | 只看该作者
hao3 wan2 hao3 wan2!!!
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发表于 2004-5-11 12:43 | 只看该作者
我也顶,你真棒:wink: :wink: :wink: :wink:
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 楼主| 发表于 2004-5-11 15:36 | 只看该作者
我的房东早想撵我了,可白纸黑字清楚写明了魁省房租条例在你的lease背面,自己看。不要被他诈唬。赶你走人只有2种条件: 1。 房东自己证明无房居住,需要住你的房 (此条款还不包括房主是公司,即只有私人老板可以,公司更没法撵人了)。 2 此房为2年(具体记不清了,可能2-5年)新房。所以房主无权终止续租,除非他宣布破产,由Rental Board 裁定你是否可再续住。 另外,房子租赁期限未到时,你可以转租他人,到Rantal Board 领一张表,咨询一下,共同办理续租人的信用证明即可。只有在其信用等级不良的前提下,房东才有权拒绝。如果房东纠缠,到Genie Project, 请他们帮一下,起草一份书面材料即可到Rantal board 立案由法官裁定了。这时房东的嚣张气焰立即就瘪了。

如果证明你的收入存款符合无家可归申请社会福利的话,即使你不交房租,房主也无权驱逐。由Rental Board裁定你负债借住,通知银行个人信用等级降级,所以还是一般不要不交房租。如果房主动粗赶人,立即报警。

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发表于 2004-5-11 15:55 | 只看该作者
Our landlord is a big company and every year it applys hundrends tenants to the Rental Board. And most of time, all the tenants lose their cases. It seems they are good with Rental Board . Last year the reason it raised the rental is that the insurance fee doubled after years' using.  Till now we still have not received the result from Rental Board.

Any good suggestion?
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 楼主| 发表于 2004-5-11 16:48 | 只看该作者
我的房东每次都要求涨12-15$不等,但我来者都拒,其中有两次房东还大修了屋顶和后院围墙,可法官都是裁定涨幅在4$/月以内。去年还搞笑,涨1$,连那极富表演才能的走狗Janitor(就是那个为讨主子欢心,在房东老婆撒泼大嚷猛烈锤她家宝马车顶时,表演痛心疾首,当街连续用头猛撞木头电线杆的那位), 当他月头来收房租得知涨幅时,都忍不住伸舌头张嘴,背地里嘲笑房东。

我的最大得益是Rental Board的几次裁定降房租, 这是刺激房东导致行为怪异的直接原因。如果你们家或整栋楼有老鼠,蚂蚁,冬天低于21度,发了警告信后在你所说的时间内没有动静,就传真City Inspector,自己留照片取证据,然后去Rental Board 立案,要求降房租和赔偿。最好找个邻居答应到时候一起去,给你作证等。这样降的房租比涨的要多多了。估计每次都因为我有市政机关(City Inspector)的检查纪录,照片证据,以及证人,所以赢得较顺利。

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