楼主: buyusedcar
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发表于 2002-7-22 20:55 | 只看该作者
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2002-7-22 21:13 | 只看该作者
dealer的旧车大致分三种,一种是lease off,这种车一般都在四到五年车令,五到八万公里,价格在一万元左右。看起来很新。车辆来源有很大一部分是公司用车,比如,我的一个朋友是卖杂货店收银机的,公司就lease了一辆新toyota给他。虽然成本高一些,但利于报税。另外一种是trade in.言下之意就是把旧车作价给车行买新车,新车行都有这种生意。再一种就是买旧车卖旧车,有点象二手店。三种旧车之比较,我下一次再啰‘罗’嗦。看来电脑也不想让我说了,‘罗’字旁边的口怎么也加不上。啰啰啰
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2002-7-22 21:23 | 只看该作者
1)新车: 拿到车后直接去办车牌和交车辆年费.

2) 旧车:
A) 私人车: 两人共同去办过户手续,领取车牌和交车辆年费
B) DEALER 车: 拿了车后,带上发票去办车牌和交车辆年费

在交费时,你要同时交 GST. GST 是以SAAQ 的本本价为基础. 但是如果你的车旧于5 年以上,本本价已经不存在,你要告诉SAAQ 售价(口头即可).
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2002-7-22 21:23 | 只看该作者
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2002-7-22 21:47 | 只看该作者
问: 本人最近不慎开车与他人小蹭,双方互留了REPORT,本人车伤的并不重,对方车伤重一些,经咨询保险公司,估计本人的责任的可能性大,所以 ,不知是否想保险公司申诉,那样会留记录,还是不申诉,关键是对方的车维修费用谁出,会对我的保险记录影响吗? 那位行家能否给开导开导,多谢了!我的电话:739-6682,242-1288


1)If you (or the other party) claim the insurance and IF it is your fault, then your premium will go up next year (usually it will stay up for 4 -5 years).

2) If you decide not to claim the insurance and if it is your fault, then you must pay for the repair.

My advice is to get the car estimated first (in a garage in Montreal North I mentioned earlier - estimate is free). Once you know the total cost, the you can make a sound decision whether or not to claim insurance.

Assume the repair cost is $ 500 and your deductable is $ 250, then you might as well not claim the insurance and just pay the damned thing - thus, you wont have a record and no increase on your premium. But if the repairing cost is $2000, then you should claim the insurance. Of course, your insurance will go up next year -- usually the additional premium is calcualted to recoup in the next 5 years.
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2002-7-22 22:11 | 只看该作者
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2002-7-23 00:12 | 只看该作者
谢谢sunyan。我们也有同感,坚决不要这个车了。当时朋友跟他提这事,马上就变脸很不耐烦的样子,当时我还觉得挺不好意思的,现在回头想想,肯定它是想回避这个问题,可能这就是这个车子致命问题。这个车他没上保险,跟我们说姐姐搬到多伦多把车给他,有朋友一听这个说法就很肯定地认为他是倒车的。虽然我没法验证,还是小心为妙。不知道这算不算一手经验,对其他各位有所帮助不? 嘻嘻

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使用道具 举报

发表于 2002-7-23 10:50 | 只看该作者
i have some experience for chooseing car
dont buy the car like tercel civic or col ...
the car is too small to be safe.
also in north america you better buy a larger one.one of my friend bought a toyota co.he told me when he drove it on highway during winter the strong wind almost blow up his car.he can feel it was too light.
if you buy a car more than $6000 you better go to CAA TO CHECK IT around 150$.to make sure.
america cars after 1996 they become good.
dont buy korean car unless it is after 1998.
janpanese car is good but over priced.
dont buy jatta they are all made in north america now.
volvo is always the best choose.I will buy a volvo for my second car.
actually it is almost the same price as janpanese car when you maintain it.it is not that expensive like people think.
good luck
Before I bought my first car i began to read newspaper for one year to compare the price also qualities.
Please remember when you wanna to buy a car dont panic at least you should see four or five cars.
Dont panic.or you will not loss your money but you ...
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2002-7-23 12:07 | 只看该作者
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2002-7-23 13:33 | 只看该作者
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使用道具 举报

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