Post by 渥京牛人
娃娃让改成半仙,改就改吧.那半个她要了!你写的那个E文东东俺没太看懂,是不是这个意思?:I used to discuss some complicated topics with my supervisor. Once he said to me that after his talk, I would still be confuzzled ( half confused, half puzzled), but a lot more than before. Maybe now you will have the same feeling as I have had at this point.:rolleyes:
呵呵,这牛仙倒果然不是吹出来的:cool: 。
不过,该改的改了,不该改的也给俺改了 。
其他的改的都没错,俺就听你的了。但是这一句"but on a much higher plane"可是俺整句化龙点睛的:p , 你的转译完全正确,可是太直白。俺不同意换一是因为少了语感,二是您的sense of humor哪里去了:wink: 。
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