这种东西,没有人敢说哪里不跌。不好说的。资深经济学家也会说错经济的发展。--- Then we should not continue to discuss anymore because no one actually has the firm answer. 乡下没怎么涨,买房就刚保本,能跌哪里去。Who knows, we will see.
Of course it is possible that the properties in Bois franc might drop price.....as anywhere else. But if it is the way some day then it is the way, there is no need to get freaking out today. Plus, we don't have property for investment purpose, and we are not planning to sell our property in short term. Therefore, why getting panic for nothing?
Different family chooses different place to live based on the different needs, and I don't know why we have to discuss where is better and if A is better than B. Some people like to live right beside Wal-mart, which is fine and and does not bother me at all.
"把仅有的存款去买进房产,然后拼命去供房,实际上真的不太明智。在论坛里受益非浅,有个朋友算了一下房价与养房成本,其实房价虽然涨了,但同样你承担了税与房贷的成本,收益非常非常低的,而哪一天房价不涨了,那就意味着房产投资的实际收益是负数了。" -- maybe you should open a new thread named: How To Look At An Investment Property or Should We Invest on Property, and tell those people who 把仅有的存款去买进房产,然后拼命去供房 stop doing so.
Anyway, I have been fed up by this kind of topic, so wasting time.....any place has its pros and cons. You choose the best point and belief for your own needs. If the money is an issue for the family, or you just do not want to buy a property, then just rent a place to live, that's all, who cares?
Post by lilyy;2663006
乡下没怎么涨,买房就刚保本,能跌哪里去。 |