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小孩学网球的一条 “捷径”

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 楼主| 发表于 2014-9-25 14:20 | 只看该作者

为什么更重的拍子 Andy 的挥拍Swing 却更快?

最近 Andy 的球拍由285克变成现在的至少330克 ( 315克球拍加重了至少15克).

结果他的挥拍却明显加快了, 而且挥拍击球
显得更轻松自如, 动作更加干脆利索.

昨天他和我抽底线 video:


我在和他抽底线时, 基本用了最大的力量, 再加上上旋,
差不多一直把他压在底线后 2 – 3 米处回击, 有时他甚至都快退
到场地的围网了, 但他却总能很轻松地挥拍, 由于挥拍速度足够快,
他的回球都很深, 基本都在我的场地的底线附近.
但他在魁省 Tournament 里,  经常在回击对方高而深的上旋抽球时,
因回球不够深而遭到对方的攻击, 常常陷入被动挨打的不利局面.
现在, 情况终于明显有了改观, 他应该能更好地应对很深和较快往前冲的上旋球.

为什么拍重了这么多, 从 285 克到330克, 足足多了40多克,
但Andy 的挥拍却快了?

我的解释是拍足够重了以后, 拍在和球接触时, 靠本身的惯性,
就足以把球击出, 而不用胳膊再额外给力, 胳膊可以更加放松,
更加专注在挥拍上, 而不是用力 push 球上.

本来没想到要加重到330克,  只是因为用的这款 Prince 球拍的拍头很轻, 为了
把重心从31  cm 调到33 cm, 让拍头更重一些,    就不断在拍头顶端加重,
一直加了8片铅胶带, 一共 40多cm.

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 楼主| 发表于 2014-9-26 10:03 | 只看该作者

Cure or prevent Tennis Elbow ? ( 2 ) Tennis Racket

Cure or prevent Tennis Elbow ?   ( 2  ) Tennis Racket

Since several friends have tennis elbow with using Nadal racket Babolat AeroPro Drive GT,

So Babolat AeroPro Drive Causes Tennis Elbow or Shoulder Problems?

I searched website, and this is some of the results I found :

Posted by kazamzaa View Post

Anyone who owns one or uses one ( Babolat AeroPro Drive  ), can you please help me by answering these questions:

1. Is it a very stiff racket (even with the "Woofer System" and "Cortex" that is suppose to dampen shock)?

2. Anyone who has or suffered from tennis elbow or shoulder problems use this racket?

3. Will it cause tennis elbow or should problems?

4. Will stringing it with a soft multi or natural gut help at low tensions?

Thanks for any advice and help!

1. Is it a very stiff racket (even with the "Woofer System" and "Cortex" that is suppose to dampen shock)?

Yes. Out of all the racquets I owned, it was the harshest on the arm.

2. Anyone who has or suffered from tennis elbow or shoulder problems use this racket?

Yes. I did not have any arm problems when I started using the racquet, but I started having problems shortly after using it.

3. Will it cause tennis elbow or should problems?

Yes. It caused Golfer's elbow for me (pain from serve and forehand). I think it affected my shoulder also.

4. Will stringing it with a soft multi or natural gut help at low tensions?

Yes. I started with a poly/multi hybrid setup. I also experimented with full poly at 35 pounds. It was almost bearable when I switched to a soft multi but got much better when I switched racquets as well.

Originally Posted by kazamzaa View Post
1. Is it a very stiff racket (even with the "Woofer System" and "Cortex" that is suppose to dampen shock)?

2. Anyone who has or suffered from tennis elbow or shoulder problems use this racket?
-It caused my Tennis Elbow.

3. Will it cause tennis elbow or should problems?
-Yes. And wrist problems too.    Nadal and Tsonga did have wrist problem too,  Coincident?

4. Will stringing it with a soft multi or natural gut help at low tensions?
-Yes. Natural gut on mid tensions stresses the elbow much less than polys below tension range.  This racket would be overpowered if strung with Natural Gut or Multifilament low (I've tried).

Because you have a history of Tennis Elbow I will repeat some known measures to avoid tennis elbow reoccuring:
-HL (head light ) racket.
-as heavy racket as you can handle. Babolat AeroPro Drive is light racket , 300g.
-racket's stiffness below 65.  Babolat AeroPro Drive is 69, which is very high.
But below 65 racket is only less than 10% of the rackets on market (see my serch result  below).
-don't hold the racket too hard when hitting.   
( my comment: relaxed arm is the key for reaching fast racket swing in order to create shot power which is also the key part taught in the drills for my students , but a lot of players simply just push the ball when racket contacts ball, so arm has to be very tight. )
-Natural Gut
-TheraBand FlexBar
-warm up before tennis i.e. 15-20 minutes of jogging.

on Tenniselbowracket.com website:

the top 10 list of arm-friendly racquets:
Racquet     RDC Flex     Strung Weight     Balance
Yonex EZone Ai 98 (click for more info) (submit your own comments)     61     11.3     -4HL
HEAD YT Graphene Prestige Pro (click for more info) (submit your own comments)     63     11.6     -6HL
PACIFIC X Feel Pro 95 (click for more info) (submit your own comments)     60     11.9     -5HL
Prince Tour Pro 98 (click for more info) (submit your own comments)     61     11.3     -4HL
Prince Tour 98 ESP (click for more info) (submit your own comments)     60     11.4     -12HL
Pro Kennex Kinetic KI5 315 (click for more info)     62     11.7     -6HL
Technifibre 2013 Tflight 315 16M LTD (click for more info)     60     11.7     -5HL
Volkl Power Bridge-10 Mid (93) (click for more info)     61     12.1     -8HL
Volkl Organix 10 325G (click for more info)     63     12.1     -7HL
WILSON 2014 Pro Staff 95S  (click for more info)     64     11.5     -7HL

( my comments:  so all the top 10 rackets:  stiffness is lower than 65,   weight is more than 11.2 oz, head light.
Andy now uses the Prince Graphite racket:  stiffness 62, weight is more than 11.2 oz, head light.  So it can be the top 11th arm-friendly racquet.  By the way,  most of the Prince Rackets stiffness is low than 65,  Prince Rackets seem most friendly to players' elbow, but the Company gets dead. )  

*Finding a racquet that meets all of the criteria established above can be quite a daunting task, since they represent such a small percentage of the market and there are no companies that I know of that are geared toward “arm-friendly” tennis equipment.

The racket characteristics affecting tennis elbow

The main characteristics that affect how “arm-friendly” your racquet is include: balance, weight, beam profile, flex/stiffness and head size. How these characteristics affect your arm are outlined below.

Balance:  The more head light the better. The balance rating typically ranges from -15HL to +15HH with zero being perfectly balanced. Head Light racquets cause more of the vibration to be absorbed by the handle and less by your arm, while being much easier to control and maneuver at the net.

Weight: A heavier racquet is better. Heavier racquets absorb more of the vibration upon contact. They are more difficult to swing quickly but you can compensate for this with a head light balance, particularly for volleying at the net.

Beam Profile: A thinner beam profile is better. Thicker wide body racquet’s are usually very light and are stiffer.

Flex/Stiffness: A more flexible frame is better. A more flexible frame absorbs more of the shock on contact. Flexible racquets tend to have less power but more control, although they can be more powerful when heavier. Flex is a measurement on the Babolat RDC scale of 0-100, with a lower number meaning less stiffness, you should be looking for a racquet with a stiffness measurement at 64 or less which includes less than 10% of the modern racquets on the market.

Head Size: A smaller head size is better. The sweet spot does not get larger with an over-sized head, and an over-sized head tends to cause more off-center hits which causes more shock to your arm.

Racquet Length: A standard 27″ length is best. Longer racquets are more difficult to maneuver and are made lighter to compensate, thereby causing more shock to your arm.

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 楼主| 发表于 2014-9-29 09:34 | 只看该作者

恭喜 Steve 在当地4.0 的ligue 决赛中成功夺冠!

恭喜 Steve 在当地4.0  的ligue 决赛中苦战3个小时, 成功夺冠!

他是我来加拿大20,   知道的第一个在当地ligue 拿冠军的华人(not tournament).

He sent me message immediately after the match:

"Just finished the final game, it was even tougher, played 3 hours, I won 7:5, 6:4.

This young guy is very fast and extremely mental tough,
never gave up, chased every ball, and saved 4 match points(he survived match points in several previous rounds !).

  Maybe I am just a little bit tougher than him.

After you back home, call me to share the details.

Thanks MICHAEL , you make me more calm and discipline in the match.”

说真的, 分享他胜利的快乐, 一点不亚于自己赢tournament. 更何况我还没有赢过当地的 ligue.

肯定有很多华人打得比他好, 但没有去尝试, 他去了, 也做到了, Well done.


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 楼主| 发表于 2014-9-30 15:17 | 只看该作者

终于全部拿下. 也推荐Solinco Tour Bite Soft Poly 拍线.

有很多年了, 在我打球的场地,经常有一帮人在一起打球,
领头的是个大高个,所有技术都很好,发球, 击球的旋转和力量都很足,

有一天, 我的状态不太好, 没能很好抓住他移动不是很好的弱点,
被他打了个 6:0.

我带Andy 训练, 免不了球会到他们的场地, 影响到他们打球,
他们表现得很不友好,往往不耐烦地用拍猛打过来, 或用脚猛踢过来.
甚至抱怨道:  “Hi, this is very dangerous.”

可能是Andy 打球越来越有板有眼, 他们对我教球能力的看法有了转变,
今年开始, 变得友好了很多, 也开始找我换拍线. 他们打 game 用旧的球也会送给我做 drill 用,
两个拿了当地比赛双打冠军的还来找我上课, 其中一个把他买的 windows 7 送给我,
说他已经转到苹果系统, 不需要了 .

Babolat RPM Blast 拍线, 即 Nadal 用的拍线.

我告诉大高个, Solinco Tour Bite Soft 拍线比Babolat RPM Blast 更容易打出上旋,
还更容易打出力量. 他居然同意试一试, 结果他非常满意.

经常和他一起练球的, 看到大高个的击球旋转明显多了不少, 速度也快了,
练了不到10分钟,就拿着他的备用拍, 过来问我, 能不能也给他上同样的拍线,

他用的也是 Babolat RPM Blast拍线, 我提醒他, 拍线的主线基本就没怎么磨,
还可以打很长时间, 他毫不犹豫, 说一定要试一下.
至此, 这帮人已经全部在我这换拍线. 而且是把两个Babolat RPM Blast最顽固的
用户转到了 Solinco Tour Bite Soft.  
在旋转, 力量, 感觉上他们和我试得一样, 都觉得Solinco Tour Bite Soft
Babolat RPM Blast 更好些, 但价格还更低.
现在就看他们对 Solinco Tour Bite Soft的耐久性有什么评价了.


在此也向各位需要更容易打出旋转和力量的球友推荐Solinco Tour Bite Soft拍线.

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 楼主| 发表于 2014-10-1 12:55 | 只看该作者


Chris 球龄近20年,年龄近50岁.

5 次网球课:

第一次, 用截击 drill , 消除多余动作( push, 撩球等), 达到正确击球感觉;


第二次, 把截击得到的击球感觉运用到正反手落地球 drill ;


第三次, 把球抛到不同的点, 练习找击球点 drill ( hitting point, contact point  );


第四次, 应开始加东西, 即步法 drill . 但他急于想看到在底线对打的效果,


“Thanks for video.  Not great, but looking better and more compact.
Even on forehand.  Last 2 or 3 backhands look nice.  “

我问他: “ Do you know why you don't look great ?
Because you don't dance on court yet.  
We need do the footwork drill to get the dance . “

第五次, 加步法 drill  ;    drill 结束时和他在底线对打, 一下变得明显不一样了:


“Loved it !! Thank you.
Footwork is fantastic!!!
Especially the Number 1 move !
Look like a real tennis player.  
More athletic and less pedestrian!
(我常讥讽他是在场地上象老头老太站着, 走着打球)”

通过5次一个小时的课, 便让他对自己的网球,
我自己觉得至少是对得起他送我的拍子, 即没有白拿.

Chris 是一个很有代表性的例子.

他打球有差不多20年了, 打球的频率也很高, 至少是 2 个私人网球俱乐部的会员,
一段时间基本就是天天打, 但水平最多也就是4.0了不起了.

他不服, 认为我占了主场人工草地的优势, 特地和我在他擅长的泥地主场打了一次,
第一盘上去就给他了个6:0, 彻底去除他场地优势的说法.

总之, 他的水平提高和他打球的时间工夫已完全不成正比.
他还上了那么多的网球课, 而且是挺有名的教练或球员.

他打球动作就象他自己最近看了录像后说的:”So ugly”, 让他有惨不忍睹的感觉:
"terrible, terrible...",
即人们常说的有一些怪动作(其实就是 push , 撩球, 送球等.).
他到我这也就是上拍线, 我有空就和他打打球.
对他打球的怪动作等, 我从来都没提过, 因为显然他比我清楚多多了,
他请比我名气大多了的教练上了那么多网球课, 早把他的问题重复指出了不知多少遍.
有时觉得当教练也容易, 只要有足够的观察力, 发现指出问题就行了,

至于怪动作改不掉, 那自然是因为球员自己造化不够了.
也别说教练, 就是一般打球的人, 都能指出不少职业球员的种种动作
问题和不足, 感觉好象这些球员的教练真够笨的.   

总之, 我还是有
自知之明的, 知道象Chris 这样精明的生意人,
绝不会听我瞎摆乎, 而我也确实不太相信 tip 之类的东西,
自己觉得绝大多数 tips 除了忽悠, 都产生不了什么实质的改变.

要想有实质性的改变还是得扎扎实实地做够一些练习和 drill ,   
就连Federer , 教练还在原地喂球做 drill , 更何况其他一般人了.

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发表于 2014-10-3 20:31 | 只看该作者

我觉得打球难在对对手的来球的判断上。一开始老赵给我送的球都是比较低速好打的,我基本上都能打回去,后来老赵试着逐渐增加球速、加上旋,到一定速度我的判断就跟不上了,动作也乱了,回球东一个、西一个,出底线和下网的也越来越多,打在界内球也根本用不上力,很多都是push 的球。我知道,这样的球回过去,如果是打比赛,下一个球就会被对手打得死死的。等老赵把速度再降回来,我的体力又跟不上了,脚步很懒,人往往到不了位,失误率也很高。

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 楼主| 发表于 2014-10-4 10:27 | 只看该作者
Post by musicfun;3438660

我觉得打球难在对对手的来球的判断上。一开始老赵给我送的球都是比较低速好打的,我基本上都能打回去,后来老赵试着逐渐增加球速、加上旋,到一定速度我的判断就跟不上了,动作也乱了,回球东一个、西一个,出底线和下网的也越来越多,打在界内球也根本用不上力,很多都是push 的球。我知道,这样的球回过去,如果是打比赛,下一个球就会被对手打得死死的。等老赵把速度再降回来,我的体力又跟不上了,脚步很懒,人往往到不了位,失误率也很高。


倒不如说是借改动做的锲机, 把更多注意力放到了挥拍动作上.
即越来越多地是在完成挥拍, 更多地真正让球拍去击球.


打网球就是在正确的地点,正确的时间, 完成了一个挥拍Swing.

当很好,足够专注于挥拍时, 有时会感觉是球飞到了挥拍的轨迹上,
而不是球拍去找球, 去打球.

很多年前曾经看到一个提高打球水平的建议: 过一段时间换换拍子.

自己也试过, 是有一定的效果. 因为一种拍子用时间长了, 确实很难清楚地感觉到挥拍Swing 的轨迹, 当换一个球拍时, 多少会有不一样的挥拍感觉,
能更清晰地感觉到挥拍Swing轨迹.   但我并不觉得挥拍动作本身有了多少改进,  因为我往往是换到更老model的球拍.

最近我拿一把很老的90年代的Prince 球拍打 game, 感觉就很好.

确实有几款”新”的Wilson , Prince 球拍和10几年前的老model 没什么太大的感觉不同.  有点象 fashion, 多少年后又变回去了.   毕竟能变的花样还是很有限的.

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 楼主| 发表于 2014-10-4 12:02 | 只看该作者

reply a friend's email

You're right Michael. Drills can improve tennis.

All the pros do the drills , including Federer, Djokovic etc. actually very simple drill.  

About  Chris, you just forced him to go back at Center after hitting a  forehand at one corner. It's normal that he started to do more steps

In  the drill , it's much easier than in rally and in game  to make the important movement after hit  the ball, and the "secret" is human being is a habit animal.  After the  players have repeated the movement enough times,  the movement becomes a  habit, then it becomes  a part of their tennis.

And he hits the ball too late. As I am doing

That's exactly what he worked on  recently and yesterday too.  he should more focus on the shot swing, and simply let the swing hit the ball.

I believe for people like us only improvement of legs movement will boost our tennis level.

Yes,  tennis players should understand that tennis is a game of legs, and  that's why no many professional tennis players have very strong arms,  look at Federer, Djokovic's arms, but all  of them have very strong legs, called iron legs.  The  legs' movement on court is the key for playing good tennis .

Keep up the good work!

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 楼主| 发表于 2014-10-5 22:05 | 只看该作者

2014 winter indoor group tennis lesson training items

Hi Dear Parents and Players,

According to kids' summer training result,   if the winter lesson student s can finish all the following training items in each lesson and reach the goal of each item,  I am very sure all the students can play very good tennis game , although some just start to learn tennis before this winter training,  since they really improve very fast so far .   Here is an example:  

a  9 years old boy just started to learn tennis


But this winter lesson's drills are really intense training with complete challenge, for sure it's  very tough to finish all the items in each lesson,  all the students will get pushed to reach the level of playing good tennis game even playing Provincial tennis tournament( several players will play soon ).  

In order to finish all of the items with high quality,  please:      

  • Not     late for lesson ;
  • Maintain     focus on the drills;
  • Enough     sleep in the night before lesson;
  • Enough     water ,  they have a lot of sweat in drills;
  • Doing     homework;
  • Print     out the following training list.    When the player finish one item     or reach  the goal of one item,  he / she makes a mark on it.  Then     parents can easily know what level the student has reached.

2014 winter indoor group tennis lesson training items :
Part One.   Hitting Ball Drills On Court :

  • 4     baseline forehand shots to 4 different targets drill; players toss
  • 4     different depth forehand  shots to 4 different targets drill;     players toss
  • baseline     backhand shot to different targets drill;  players toss
  • smash     drill;  players toss ;
  • practice     serve;
  • rally     on court,  each players need reach more than 20 hits in a row;
  • double     game;

Part Two.  Hitting Balls Against Wall :

  • only     forehand flat hitting ball against wall,  reaching more than 20     hits;
  • only     backhand flat hitting ball against wall, reaching more than 20 hits;
  • only     forehand topspin hitting ball against wall,  reaching more than 20     hits;
  • only     backhand topspin hitting ball against wall, reaching more than 20     hits;
  • only     forehand slice hitting ball against wall,  reaching more than 20     hits;
  • only     backhand slice hitting ball against wall, reaching more than 20     hits;
  • forehand     , backhand flat hitting ball against wall,  reaching more than 10     switches ;
  • forehand     , backhand topspin hitting ball against wall, reaching more than 10     switches;
  • forehand     backhand slice hitting ball against wall,  reaching more than 10     switches;
  • forehand     , backhand flat, forehand ,backhand slice , forehand , backhand     topspin hitting ball against wall, reaching more than 24 hits ( 4     groups);
  • only     forehand volley against wall,  reaching more than 30 hits;
  • only     backhand volley against wall, reaching more than 30 hits;
  • forehand     , backhand volley against wall, reaching 10 switches;
  • forehand     smash against wall,  reaching more than 10 hits;

Part Three Footwork Drills

  • split     step when coach's racket contacts ball in ground stroke;
  • split     step when coach's racket contacts ball in serve;
  • the     first step to the ball
  • the     first recovery step
  • side     to side hit ball footwork and recovery footwork, forehand and     backhand;
  • forward     and backward hit ball footwork and recovery footwork, forehand and     backhand;
  • side     to side volley footwork and recovery footwork, forehand and     backhand;
  •   forward     and backward volley footwork and recovery footwork, forehand and     backhand;
  • side     to side smash footwork and recovery footwork;
  • forward     and backward smash footwork and recovery footwork.
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 楼主| 发表于 2014-10-7 15:11 | 只看该作者

you can find the best tennis practice hitting partner in this coming winter

here is where :


No matter what level you are, from complete beginner to pros,
your best partner always matches your level.

So enjoy the time with your best tennis partner in this coming winter.
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