Hi Good Luck and every forerunner, I plan to go back China marry a girl. As a landed new immigrant, do I need to produce the single status certificate for the Chinese government? Thank you very much.
Hi Good Luck and every forerunner, I plan to go back China marry a girl. As a landed new immigrant, do I need to produce the single status certificate for the Chinese government? Thank you very much.
我正在申请我老婆过来. 在填申请表. 是老婆自己填的,没找代理. 但他要不要填"Authority to release information to designated individuals." 因为那表有一栏是问: "authorize the release of information from my citizenship and immigration canada case file to the following individuals:" 其中有 "my sponsor" 的选项. 她填与不填对申请有什么影响?
to mingming2003
那两个表是医院提供,你只需要下载appendix D那个表,填好,体检的时候代去。
to fred1971,
to pan
to jammy
to mingming2003