A formal invitation from Suancai Bang is impossible, let me tell you why:
Based on my obersevation, their physical head is Chairman Modern, while the mental one is Menghan. Unfortunately, they still have an independent organizer for each meeting, such as Helenzhang for this time. even worse, they still have some special members who have special implicit relationship with their various heads, such as Menghan - Rose; Modern - Miao Ren ; Helenzhang - Youran....... It's so complicated and troublesome to figure out a commonly recognized issuer to send us FORMAL Invitation. Understand?
Due to my poor English, I could not tell you vividly the whole story, but you can get sth from my description, right? Don't forget, the political center in China now has been extended from 7 members to 9 members. No exception for the SUAN CAI BANG! N centers and N heads!!! |