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让我们支持Jan Wong

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发表于 2006-9-26 10:55 | 只看该作者

I strongly support Jan Wong.

Finally, somebody, a Chinese woman stands up and finger points the weakness of French purifying. I am tired of Bill 101. Yes, I have no problem to learn a new language, but don't force me to accept a culture. We all have the freedom and right to choose to do something. The Bill 101 absolutely is against the Human Rights Chart.
I suggest that we do something to support Jan Wong and make it an event to loosen up the Bill 101, for our children and thires. Otherwise we will lose our Chinese culture forever on this piece of land.
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发表于 2006-9-26 12:51 | 只看该作者
为什么说一套, 而做一套呢? 如果自己的计算机都不支持中文, 还谈什么保护中文文化?
Post by where to go
Finally, somebody, a Chinese woman stands up and finger points the weakness of French purifying. I am tired of Bill 101. Yes, I have no problem to learn a new language, but don't force me to accept a culture. We all have the freedom and right to choose to do something. The Bill 101 absolutely is against the Human Rights Chart.
I suggest that we do something to support Jan Wong and make it an event to loosen up the Bill 101, for our children and thires. Otherwise we will lose our Chinese culture forever on this piece of land.
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发表于 2006-9-26 13:05 | 只看该作者
全加拿大只有纽芬兰省官方语言是双语. 其余除魁省是法语外, 都是英语.
"任何政府机关拒绝用英语服务的是违反联邦法的!" 是对联邦政府机构不是省政府机构.
如果你去一些魁省政府机构的网站, 许多官方文件都是法语的. 有的有英文解释, 有的根本没有.
如果移民打算在魁省长期住下去, 那么就要学法语,至少一些日常生活的用语并且了解一些基本的文化. 否则就连BUS司机的工作都不容易找. 除非象redneck说的:
........ 与魁北克文化斗争到底!通过我们的努力,使中文成为魁北克唯一官方语言的日子一定会到来!

Post by vincent_s
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发表于 2006-9-26 19:52 | 只看该作者
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发表于 2006-9-26 19:53 | 只看该作者
Post by where to go
Finally, somebody, a Chinese woman stands up and finger points the weakness of French purifying. I am tired of Bill 101. Yes, I have no problem to learn a new language, but don't force me to accept a culture. We all have the freedom and right to choose to do something. The Bill 101 absolutely is against the Human Rights Chart.
I suggest that we do something to support Jan Wong and make it an event to loosen up the Bill 101, for our children and thires. Otherwise we will lose our Chinese culture forever on this piece of land.

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发表于 2006-9-27 15:12 | 只看该作者
So objective! Why QUebec and Canada media always wear this kind of colored glass to punched different opinions. If it was treated by Chinese media, it should be a more reasonable, then probably some kind of punch instead of pure ugly humor to laugh at ethnicity. Pure Canadian kind of ugly humor, you can find them everywhere in Canadian media (including Quebec), TV, radio, everything and everything. Maybe majority think it is humorous, but minorities will not accept it, (fortune cookie and World war II Japanese and hooked nose Jewish). Complete support Jan Wong and think she is heroic. Also thinks white men (and women) don't know what is like to be subjective.
金石镂空,了了蝈笼。资成新风,皓月无梦。 学圆堂主人胡文仲题 lychonantiques.org
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发表于 2006-9-27 19:04 | 只看该作者
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发表于 2006-9-27 19:23 | 只看该作者
I have read many articles written by Jan Wong on China. I disagree with almost all conclusions she presented because 她的结论是错的. 误导, 不负责任, 侮辱 China.
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发表于 2006-9-27 19:35 | 只看该作者
Post by xyz1966
她的结论是错的. 误导, 不负责任, 侮辱 China.
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发表于 2006-9-27 20:55 | 只看该作者

致 7 君子

今天看GAZZETTE 读者来信一栏,很有趣。两封信起因都是那个 JAN WONG 写了一篇东西评论DOWSON 枪击案。

首先,某华裔加人团体领袖要求报纸道歉,因为他们登漫画讽刺 JAN WONG 的华裔身份。

第二封,7君子联名上书,却是要求 JAN WONG 道歉了。他们都是华裔魁北克人,声称热爱蒙特利尔,JAN WONG 的文章受害了他们的感情等等。

我想告诉 7 君子,其他人,魁北瓜,白人,犹太人,印巴人。。。他们不是弱智,他们不会因为某族群一个人的言行来放大到整个团体。就事论事,你们不必急火火跳出来表明立场划清界线。
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