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让我们支持Jan Wong

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发表于 2006-9-24 20:31 | 只看该作者
Post by LLF
重要的问题不是JAN WANG 的观点对还是不对。而是他有无权利享受宪法赋予她的言论自由的权利
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发表于 2006-9-24 21:04 | 只看该作者
Post by wu808
如果明白魁省的官方语言是法语而不是英语, 那么就应该理解JAN WONG是对或错.

在联邦政府部门如果不用英语/法语服务, 你可以投诉. 但是在魁省政府部门如果不用英语, 投诉应该没有用, 因为魁省的官方语言是法语.

如果移民打算在魁省长期住下去, 那么你就要学法语,至少一些日常生活的用语并且了解一些基本的文化. 你不能要求官方语言是法语的当地人都能说英语. 除非住在象MONTREAL这样的城市, 否则办事很困难.

GILL 应该是很小就在魁省, 即使去英语学校, 也应该通过法语考试. 否则不能毕业. 特别他的家在LAVAL, 法语交流应该没有问题, 否则他的父母就有责任. 即--不会法语还在法语区居住(如果他不会法语).

移民被歧视是一个不可否认的事实. 但是移民到魁省, 就要接受这个不公平的事实. 例如, 你是老板, 如果水平相差不悬殊, 你是要一个能熟练说法语的职员, 还是要只是一丁点的法语的职员, 特别是法语为官方语言的地方?

我不赞同JAN WONG的三次枪击事件同当地文化有关. 也许三个枪手同他们原来的文化有关. 特别是哪个穆斯林青年, 完全是穆斯林教育的结果. 女人永远是男人的附属品. 听说GILL的家庭是属于锡克族, 大家都知道锡克族的背景.

JAN WONG是在错误时间发表了不负责任的文章. 这也为华人带来危机. 如果我是当地人, 那么会我就认为JAN WONG的观点是许多华人的观点, 那么我就会对华人有一种排斥的观念.

如果有华人公开支持JAN WONG, 那么就是自己与自己过不去, 除非想离开魁省.

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发表于 2006-9-24 21:45 | 只看该作者
Jan Wong 讲Dawson 枪击事件是由于0少数民族在魁省被边缘化而导致。这个解释是过于牵强。
比如, 蒙特利尔的 市政府服务 只有6% 是少数民族员工, 虽然少数民族人口已占到22%.
最近保守党 国会议员Luc Harvey 透露在魁北克城附近有两个国会议员,为了被那里的选民接受,把一家人的姓改成Quebecois 的姓.
95年 魁人党魁Jacques Parizeau 讲公投失败原因是由于钱和少数民族的票使很多人都记忆犹新.(95年60%的法裔同意独立)

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发表于 2006-9-25 00:46 | 只看该作者

2nd Tory MP draws flak for citing Quebec intolerance
After reporter linked it to Dawson shooting

OTTAWA/QUEBEC – A second Quebec Conservative MP accused Quebecers of intolerance toward immigrants yesterday, just as Charlesbourg–Haute-Saint-Charles MP Daniel Petit publicly retracted controversial comments linking intolerance of immigrants to the Dawson College shooting.
   Luc Harvey, Conservative MP for the Quebec City riding of Louis-Hébert, distanced himself Petit’s remarks, but said it’s true that immigrants suffer discrimination in the provincial capital.
   In fact, Quebec City has been so intolerant that the families of two local members of Parliament changed their family name in order to be accepted, he said.
   “There are two MPs from the Quebec City region whose family names weren’t Québécois and they had to change their names,” he said, declining to name them.
   He echoed some of Petit’s sentiments, saying Quebec City has a lot to learn and a long way to go in integrating immigrants.
   “Making a link between what happened at Dawson College and integration was a very grave error, but that doesn’t change the fact that there is a very large amount of work to be done on integration in Quebec City and, in my opinion, in the rest of Canada,” he said.
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发表于 2006-9-25 18:53 | 只看该作者

Jan Wong 的反应

MONTREAL -- A Globe and Mail reporter says she’s been the target of sexist and racist attacks over an article that suggested the gunman who opened fire on Montreal college students was marginalized by Quebec culture.
Jan Wong said Monday she’s received e-mails laced with profanity and has been attacked for her Asian heritage.
“I think it’s really healthy that people disagree with me,” Wong told CBC Radio in Montreal on Monday.
She said debate is good but “there have been racist and sexist attacks.”
Specifically, she cited a cartoon that appeared in Montreal Le Devoir on Friday.
The editorial cartoon shows her with slanted eyes, glasses and large teeth, cracking open Wong’s fortune cookies to read a fortune that says, “Beware of Bill 101,” the province’s controversial language law.
“You can attack my journalistic style or my methods but to bring in fortune cookies is now bringing in my ethnicity,” she told CBC.
Stressing that she was born and raised in Montreal, Wong said the cartoon depicts an Asian stereotype.
“They show me with buck teeth and these round, thick glasses,” she said. “That’s a Japanese, World War II stereotype and I think it’s ugly, and I think that if I was Jewish maybe they would portray me with a hooked nose.”
Jules Richer, Le Devoir’s managing editor, said the paper hadn’t received a complaint from Wong.
He defended the cartoon, which he said is a reference to a restaurant her father owns in the city.
“It’s quite well-known in Montreal that her father has a restaurant,” he said. “It’s not racist. It’s just a family (reference).”
As far as the physical portrayal in the cartoon: “That’s an exaggeration because it’s a caricature,” he said.
In the article, Wong wrote that Dawson College killer Kimveer Gill, Ecole Polytechnique murderer Marc Lepine and Valery Fabrikant, a Concordia University professor who killed four colleagues in 1992, had “all been marginalized, in a society that valued `pure laine’”, a common term to describe someone who is francophone through and through.
Gill was of Indian origin, Lepine was half-Algerian and Fabrikant was an immigrant from the former Soviet Union.
Wong has been the subject of editorials and cartoons in just about every Montreal newspaper, including the English-language Montreal Gazette and the French-language Montreal La Presse.
Both Quebec Premier Jean Charest and Prime Minister Stephen Harper condemned Wong’s article.
In a letter to the Globe and Mail last week, Harper called her comments absurd and without foundation.
“It is not only grossly irresponsible on her part, it is also completely prejudiced to lay blame on Quebec society in this manner,” he wrote.
Wong said Monday that Harper shouldn’t have entered the debate.
“I think it’s completely inappropriate that the prime minister would weigh in, with all the weight and power of his office, into something that is really a free-press issue,” she said.
Wong said she thinks Harper is just trying to win votes in Quebec, where his popularity has declined in recent months and where he and the premier have a very public difference of opinion on federal gun control legislation.
She also defended her article.
“I think what happened at Dawson College is so sad and so tragic that people need to explore is this just an accident or is there something going on here? Why are there three? And I think we need to talk about that.”

source: http://www.canada.com/montrealgazette/news/story.html?id=1c587561-ae6b-445a-acc9-a8d492bf20ee&k=75808
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发表于 2006-9-25 19:00 | 只看该作者

Quebecois pure laine

Jan Wong 说:
" But what is also true is that in all three cases the perpetrator was not pure laine. Elsewhere to talk of racial 'purity' is repugnant. Not in Quebec."

每个魁北克居民应该都是Quebecois. 但在魁北克每天都可以听到 “Quebecois pure laine” (纯羊毛的Quebecois), "Quebecois de souche" 等等用词. 例如, 94 年, CKAC电台主持人在转播LilleHammer冬奥会时讲:" 一个“Quebecois pure laine”, Jean-Luc Brassard, 刚刚赢了加拿大第一块金牌!!!"
我不知在加拿大其他省份是否对自己是比如正统英裔有自豪感. 听说在美国, 如果将某人是WASP(White Anglo-Saxon Protestant, 白人盎格魯薩克遜新教徒), 是一种嘲讽性的语言.

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发表于 2006-9-25 21:58 | 只看该作者
Jan Wong 没有或未能直指的士魁北克的畸形文化。

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发表于 2006-9-25 22:17 | 只看该作者
Post by NorthFace
Jan Wong 没有或未能直指的士魁北克的畸形文化。

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发表于 2006-9-25 23:30 | 只看该作者

support! Jan Wong

what she said was reasonable!   i support jan Wang:frown:
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发表于 2006-9-26 09:25 | 只看该作者



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