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让我们支持Jan Wong

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发表于 2006-9-27 22:16 | 只看该作者


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发表于 2006-9-27 22:46 | 只看该作者
Post by Junephoenix
今天看GAZZETTE 读者来信一栏,很有趣。两封信起因都是那个 JAN WONG 写了一篇东西评论DOWSON 枪击案。

首先,某华裔加人团体领袖要求报纸道歉,因为他们登漫画讽刺 JAN WONG 的华裔身份。

第二封,7君子联名上书,却是要求 JAN WONG 道歉了。他们都是华裔魁北克人,声称热爱蒙特利尔,JAN WONG 的文章受害了他们的感情等等。

我想告诉 7 君子,其他人,魁北瓜,白人,犹太人,印巴人。。。他们不是弱智,他们不会因为某族群一个人的言行来放大到整个团体。就事论事,你们不必急火火跳出来表明立场划清界线。

我相信JAN WONG同样热爱蒙特利尔,甚至有过之

JAN WONG是向QUEBEC可恶的纯种文化发起攻击

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jem'enfous2 该用户已被删除
发表于 2006-9-28 14:39 | 只看该作者
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发表于 2006-9-28 20:36 | 只看该作者


Dear Madam Jan Wong (jwong@globeandmail.ca):

I am strongly supporting your article of 'Get under the desk' , According my personal life experience, it's not supprised that both minister (federal and provincial) got angry from your article since you appointed the main issue of Canadian society today.

By the fact, if the time I  didn't control myself, and tried to believe government and legal justice system would give me back fair justice in some day; those similar cases would happen on me at year 1997 as same as like they did--once when my late wife killed by Montreal General Hospital, and I immolated by MUC Police also legal and justice system...

Ten years passed away, I am non stopped keep knocking different doors, but till today, I even didn't get one single justice done, instead my situation became the worst, which the system didn't give me a chance to rebuild up my life from what they destroyed of my life...

Since I am Chinese, no matter many years I am already became a Canadian citizen, which they never counted I am as a Canadian--because I don't know how to speak French instead I keep speak English to communicate with, which it made my situation even more worse...

Below you may find the letter I sent to Quebec Prime Minister Jean Charest, which also have some links you may learn more about what is realy going on with my life.

Best regards,

Peter Zhenguo Pan

Dear Mr. Jean Charest:

I wrote a letter to you was 1997 asking for help when you were joining with federal election, and I received your office response letter on June 4th 1997. Unfortunately, my situation is getting the worst only, which you would experience from my summary of being a victim of crime and injustice.

I am writing to you again since you are our prime minister, and I would like you to know what the government system is treated his own citizen by the fact the citizen was contributed in order to help MUC Police to protect the public, which the system destroyed my family and my life giving the fact that even those criminals never punished; instead:

The criminals succeeded to illegally took over my business, run my business for over three years, and even surprisingly replaced my position to get compensation from my landlord to move out my business from my premise; furthermore to hidden my assets away…

You might wondering what is MUC Police and Crown Prosecutor both department doing, which I had the same wonder as you do. However, even I had response letters from the chief of MUC Police (year 1998 and year 2002), which my complaint still rejected by MUC Police, Crown Prosecutor, both level of Human Rights, both level of minister of Justice…

The only department was willing to help me is Quebec Ombudsman; but because of powerless which you could experience from its investigator Me France Hudon-Szigeti’s replied on June 6th 2004 “I got your statement. I thank you for your good words and hope for the best for you and your family after such a "saga". I am sorry to have been unable to help you more.”

Since MUC Police claimed my situation became civil matter that I have to hire lawyer—by then my life even got worse, which you would experience from the summary of Nightmare. And I have to deal with the Quebec Bar, which became another nightmare…

In past of these ten years, I was being immolated several times by MUC Police. For example: I was accused as a killer in 1991 which I was at Van Horne park with my family that both MUC Police officers apologized to me by my request since they just made a fan on me;

I am being immolated in 1996 when MUC Police wants to use me to against my former boss and his brother in law since their mafia background; giving the result that I spent my own expenses forced Frankie’s restaurant went to bankruptcy in order to let the kitchen staffs able to keep the job;

But once I purchased the bankruptcy restaurant that I have to spent another expenses to buy another restaurant to relocate the bankruptcy restaurant Sawatdee since the pressure from the mafias which MUC Police even can’t protect me, and just simply advice me to relocate my business;

I am being immolated in 1997 since MUC Police want to use me to against Enza Martuccelli in order to protect public, giving the result that MUC Police made me lost my business complete, which they even never try to arrest her even she was under court arrest order;

I am being immolated in 1997 since MUC Police didn’t take further action with my business sales $35,000 fraud by my former employee Qingrui He (who went to cooperated with Enza Martuccelli), which even released his both accounts that banks already frozen by my request;

I am being immolated in 1997 since MUC Police refused to take any action to stop Enza Martuccelli and Qingrui He illegally ran my business, which was reported by my former lawyer Stephen Anges his assistant France St-Denis, giving result that they successfully run my business for three years till they moved away my business and hidden my assets away;

I am being immolated in 2000 since MUC Police refused to take any action stop Enza Martuccelli and Qingrui He since I discovered that they want to remove my restaurant and assets away from the premise, which made them successfully took my compensation from my landlord and hidden my assets away;

I am being immolated by MUC Police in year 2001 since the young police team wrongly kicked me out from my own premise even I am holding new valid lease from Bank of Montreal with five years lease and five years till year option renewal till June 30th year 2011; since MUC Police refused to correct they mistaken, it cast me lost a chance to turn over a new page in order to start a new life;

I am being immolated in 2003 since MUC Police took the wrong impression of the hit & ran case, giving the result that MUC Police even never ask who did it to my car, which I had to face with Municipal court even one of the police officer punched me (I had a proof by the doctor that took away from me by the court), and I lost my car also I had to pay the fine;

I am being immolated in 2005 since MUC Police refused to take my complaint even I did by my own and I found both criminals—Enza Martuccelli and Qinrui He especially I found my assets that Qingrui He used it for his new opened restaurant.

I being immolated in 2004 again since MUC Police wrongly made the armed aggression case became hit & ran; giving a result that till today my car insurance company still refused to pay my damages…

I am being immolated by civil court system:

(500-32-015727-961)—Small Claim Court. Beginning of November 1996, Enza and He both showed up at the small claim court as witnesses to state a perjury to against Mr. Pan’s company MCY for the case Enza Martuccelli used MCY signed a contract of without Mr. Pan knowing defrauded Atllah Charles

(500-05-2818-970)—Superior Court. September 27th 1996 MUC police arrested Qingrui He and pressed a charge on him for fraud (33-960927-033). Try to get away MUC police fraud charges, without any proofs Enza and He both fabricated a civil case—the case never continued up to today) claiming $400,000 damages from Mr. Pan plus equal shares from Mr. Pan’s company MCY. MUC police informed Mr. Pan don’t have to worry since it became a strong evidence to prove Enza and He both working together against Mr. Pan.

(500-02-084866-008—withdrawal on November 7th 2000)—Quebec Superior Court. April 14th 2000, Qingrui He started a new case to claim that He became 100% legal owner with Mr. Pan’s Sawatdee restaurant since He already run three years of Mr. Pan’s Sawatdee restaurant business, which He never continue the first case (500-05-028181-970—never continued up to today) that they were claim three of us has equal shares with Mr. Pan’s company.

(500-02-075939-996)—Quebec Superior Court. Year 2000, Caverhill Learmount Inc. (Mr. Pan’s landlord) wants to sell the building, since the buyer doesn’t want have restaurant, by then Qingrui He illegally took a position as defendant Mr. Pan’s company MCY to get compensation from Caverhill Learmount Inc. By then He moved Mr. Pan’s restaurant away and hidden Mr. Pan’s assets away. On November 7th 2000, Qingrui He withdrawal the case (500-02-084866-008) since He already made Mr. Pan’s assets illegally belong to him by the fact.

(500-05-046311-989)—Quebec Superior Court. The case was rejected since Mr. Pan no longer to have a lawyer, which appeal also failed since Mr. Pan doesn’t understand the legal procedures. But this case is concern his late wife Mrs. Pan (Cuiqin Ren) who killed by the hospital and the doctor with article 99, which Mr. Pan even never informed by the hospital and the doctor.

(500-17-020905-041)—Quebec Superior Court. The case was rejected on October 2004, and appeal also failed on February 2005. But it’s really unfair because Mr. Pan’s lawyer involved with malpractice that the case even didn’t registered with Mr. Pan his personal name, and the company his lawyer used was invalid, which easily for the bank kicked out Mr. Pan’s case.

Main point with this case was: since MUC Police wrongly kicked Mr. Pan out of his premise on year 2001 that Mr. Pan have a new lease from June 1st 2001 till June 30th 2006 plus five years option renewal, which caused Mr. Pan lost $6,000 rental advanced deposit, all the renovation cost, plus the shipment sent from Thailand all illegally took over by Bank of Montreal since MUC Police didn’t allow Mr. Pan take out anything from his premise—by the fact that MUC Police even refused to correct the mistaken they created to Mr. Pan.

For more information, documentation and evidences you may directly contact with me that mentioned on the letter head, which you may also be able to contact with my supporter Me France Hudon-Szigeti (investigator 514 873-2132) at Quebec Ombudsman, and MUC Police Crime Division detective Madam Brigitte Barabe (514 280-2716).

I just recently spoken with the first crown prosecutor Me Jean Denis (514 939-2703) who believed was miscommunication which created me became a victim of the crime and injustice; and he convinced me again to forget the whole thing and restart a new life again. But how since no any department who willing to take the responsibilities, which my last hope was also destroyed by the young team of MUC Police?!

As you are our prime minister, did you accept the case went in this way since the criminals even never punished, instead the citizen who contributed for the public who life is totally destroyed… By then who else will after me willing to help the system in order to protect the public? It’s so easy for the government workers tells his citizen to just forget the whole thing, but did they even thought in this way this family’s whole life are totally ruined?!

Truly yours,

Peter Zhenguo Pan

To Canadian Judicial Council, July 5th 2006

Dear Madam/Sir:

I referred by Minister of Justice du Quebec concern I being immolated by legal and justice system, which you may find my summary I sent to the Quebec Chief Crown Prosecutor Department, and I also sent to your department by e-mail on
Since I didn’t get any response, now I resend it by fax, which also includes support letter from Chinese Family Services of Greater Montreal, and the referral letter from Minister of Justice du Quebec.

For more information, documentation and evidences you may directly contact with me that mentioned on the letter head, which you may also be able to contact with my supporter Me France Hudon-Szigeti (investigator 514 873-2132) at Quebec Ombudsman, and MUC Police Crime Division detective Madam Brigitte Barabe (514 280-2716).

I didn’t have those judge’ names since all these cases was handling by my lawyers; but I do have these case numbers:

(500-05-046311-989)—Quebec Superior Court. The case was rejected since Mr. Pan no longer to have a lawyer, which appeal also failed since Mr. Pan doesn’t understand the legal procedures. But this case is concern his late wife Mrs. Pan (Cuiqin Ren) who killed by the hospital and the doctor with article 99, which Mr. Pan even never informed by the hospital and the doctor.

(500-17-020905-041)—Quebec Superior Court. The case was rejected on October 2004, and appeal also failed on February 2005. But it’s really unfair because Mr. Pan’s lawyer involved with malpractice that the case even didn’t registered with Mr. Pan his personal name, and the company his lawyer used was invalid, which easily for the bank kicked out Mr. Pan’s case.

Main point with this case was: since MUC Police wrongly kicked Mr. Pan out of his premise on year 2001 that Mr. Pan have a new lease from June 1st 2001 till June 30th 2006 plus five years option renewal, which caused Mr. Pan lost $6,000 rental advanced deposit, all the renovation cost, plus the shipment sent from Thailand all illegally took over by Bank of Montreal since MUC Police didn’t allow Mr. Pan take out anything from his premise—by the fact that MUC Police even refused to correct the mistaken they created to Mr. Pan.

Above cases please read detail from my summary, also NIGHTMARE EXPERIENCE WITH MY LAWYERS.

Looking forward to hear.

Truly yours,

Peter Zhenguo Pan

To Judges of Superior Court, July 5th 2006

Dear Madam/Sir:

I referred by Minister of Justice du Quebec concern I being immolated by legal and justice system, which you may find my summary I sent to the Quebec Chief Crown Prosecutor Department, and I also sent to your department by e-mail on the June 25th 2006 by the address of: communications.justice@justice.gouv.qc.ca.

Since I didn’t get any response, now I resend it by fax, which also includes support letter from Chinese Family Services of Greater Montreal, and the referral letter from Minister of Justice du Quebec.

For more information, documentation and evidences you may directly contact with me that mentioned on the letter head, which you may also be able to contact with my supporter Me France Hudon-Szigeti (investigator 514 873-2132) at Quebec Ombudsman, and MUC Police Crime Division detective Madam Brigitte Barabe (514 280-2716).

I didn’t have those judge’ names since all these cases was handling by my lawyers; but I do have these case numbers:

(500-32-015727-961)—Small Claim Court. Beginning of November 1996, Enza and He both showed up at the small claim court as witnesses to state a perjury to against Mr. Pan’s company MCY for the case Enza Martuccelli used MCY signed a contract of without Mr. Pan knowing defrauded Atllah Charles

(500-05-2818-970)—Quebec Superior Court. September 27th 1996 MUC police arrested Qingrui He and pressed a charge on him for fraud (33-960927-033). Try to get away MUC police fraud charges, without any proofs Enza and He both fabricated a civil case—the case never continued up to today) claiming $400,000 damages from Mr. Pan plus equal shares from Mr. Pan’s company MCY. MUC police informed Mr. Pan don’t have to worry since it became a strong evidence to prove Enza and He both working together against Mr. Pan.

(500-02-084866-008—withdrawal on November 7th 2000)—Quebec Superior Court. April 14th 2000, Qingrui He started a new case to claim that He became 100% legal owner with Mr. Pan’s Sawatdee restaurant since He already run three years of Mr. Pan’s Sawatdee restaurant business, which He never continue the first case (500-05-028181-970—never continued up to today) that they were claim three of us has equal shares with Mr. Pan’s company.

(500-02-075939-996)—Quebec Superior Court. Year 2000, Caverhill Learmount Inc. (Mr. Pan’s landlord) wants to sell the building, since the buyer doesn’t want have restaurant, by then Qingrui He illegally took a position as defendant Mr. Pan’s company MCY to get compensation from Caverhill Learmount Inc. By then He moved Mr. Pan’s restaurant away and hidden Mr. Pan’s assets away. On November 7th 2000, Qingrui He withdrawal the case (500-02-084866-008) since He already made Mr. Pan’s assets illegally belong to him by the fact.

Above cases please read detail from my summary; looking forward to hear from you.

Truly yours,

Peter Zhenguo Pan


Support letters sent from Chinese Family Service of Greater Montreal addressed a support letter to Mr. Pan by the director Me May Chiu; Action Autonomie support letter addressed to Mr. Pan by the Defense of rights counselor Mr. Kevin Boire; and Quebec Ombudsman investigator Me Hudon responded Mr. Pan’s statement to support him mentally and emotionally—web page for support letter: (http://www.sinoquebec.com/bbs/showthread.php?t=156601)


[Give Me Justice and My Life Back! To Our Canadian Society and Politicians] (http://www.sinoquebec.com/bbs/showthread.php?t=87429)

DEATH & NOODLES (http://www.sinoquebec.com/bbs/showthread.php?t=75582)

NIGHTMARE (http://www.sinoquebec.com/bbs/showthread.php?t=63353)

Medical Error & Discrimination (http://www.sinoquebec.com/bbs/showthread.php?t=46356)

Medical Treatment--personal experienced (http://www.sinoquebec.com/bbs/showthread.php?t=68325)

关于我泰餐馆sawatdee诈骗案及其它的事实真相 (一)--续告全加及海外华人同胞声援书[url="http://www.sinoquebec.com/bbs/showthread.php?t=80499"]http://www.sinoquebec.com/bbs/showthread.php?t=80499[/url]
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发表于 2006-9-28 23:58 | 只看该作者









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发表于 2006-9-29 05:28 | 只看该作者
如果我没有理解错的话, BILL 101 在孩子教育方面, 只是对移民的家庭的孩子而言, 对当地的英裔好象没有这个限制.
对移民来说, 移民到魁北克的目的是什么? 如果是做为跳板, 那么就没有资格发怨言. 你不能享受免费的教育, 然后离开而大骂人家. 如果是加拿大移民, 你完全可以挑选说英语的地方. 如果是魁北克移民, 那么你的家庭至少有一人接受了法语的教育. 由于是魁北克移民, 如果不接受官方语言的法语教育, 从哪方面都说不过去. 并且对孩子将来的在当地的发展也不好. 当然也有一些特殊情况, 但是极少数.
据我所知, 许多华人的家庭在孩子教育方面对BILL 101抱怨的不是很多. 一般都是让孩子先去法语的小学和中学, 然后去英语的COLLEGE. 如果条件好一些, 还送孩子去中文学校. 所以大多数华人子女, 都能使用三种语言. 当然对那些不准备长期在魁北克住下来的人另论.

一般英裔的子女都能掌握很好的英语和法语. 但是法裔的子女不一定能掌握很好的英语, 特别是那些没有英语服务的城市/镇.

英裔的子女能掌握很好的法语, 与法语是官方语言有很大关系. 只要在魁北克如果不会法语, 除极少数情况外, 永远不能提升. 并且有时找工作都困难.
关于移民被歧视是任何人都不能否认的事实. 怎么办, 只有靠自己争取, 靠别人没有用. 空喊口号也没有用. 只有参政和其它重要的位置--法官, 律师, 政府官等. 新移民是不可能的(特殊的除外), 只有靠下一代. 如果他们不会官方语言又如何取得这些位置. 现在联邦议院有几个华裔. 希望更多的华裔成为省或邦议议员.

BILL 101一定会修改, 但不是在孩子教育方面(孩子方面以放宽), 而是在其他方面. 它已经限制魁北克在北美的发展. 由于魁独和BILL 101使一些大公司离开MONTREAL而去了TORONTO.

JAN WONG的观点非常不理智. BILL 从小在魁北克长大而不会法语, 即使是上的英语学校, 不会法语也是不可思意的事情. 除非他自己把自己排斥在这个社会之外. 那个穆斯林家伙, 歧视妇女, 典型穆斯林的教育结果. 那个前苏联的人, 更是变态, 如果每个人要求的目的没有达到, 是否就杀人? 现在问一下JAN WONG, 那个漫画应该是对你侮辱, 你是否要采取象那三个人的行动?
如果JAN WONG不同枪击事件联系一起反对BILL 101, 反对那个纯羊毛, 应该有许多人支持. 现在同枪击时间联系一起, 如果大家公开都支持, 是否让别人认为移民都是潜在的枪手?

虽然JAN WONG的观点非常不理智, 但是也不要象那7个人, 声明什么. 如果反对, 自己不公开支持就行了, 何必让别人认为华人窝里斗?

关于法语和上海话, 除非上海想要独立, 而使上海话成为官方语言, 否则没有可比性.
在上海, 如果逼小孩学上海话, 那么完全可以起诉并且100%赢. 如果你是家长, 宁愿让孩子放弃学普通话而只学上海话? 如果有, 这样的家长一定疯了.

Post by lunala_

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发表于 2006-9-29 08:13 | 只看该作者

那么,其中某些人因无法摆脱困境,在绝望之际孤注一掷,那会成为什么样的后果?不必瞒你,要不是放不下我当时尚未成年的女儿,本人在1997 年便差点走上了这条不归路。。。其实 JAN WONG 并没有站在凶手的立场上为其鸣冤叫屈,而是透过三次枪杀案进行分析,希望引起加国、魁省政府及加国社会的警觉,从而设法尽可能令少数民族能获得公正的对待。

你也是加国少数族裔的其中的一员,今天你的飞黄腾达不一定代表今后便一帆风顺;即便如此,你能保证你的家人及后代从此一帆风顺?亡羊补牢,为时未晚。相信在座支持 JAN WONG 的,包括 JAN WONG 本人,没有人支持亡杀无辜的。在此冒昧,还望海涵。

既然你尚未阅读过 JAN WANG 的 文章, 建议你阅读以后再发表你的观点:

Post by vipkj
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发表于 2006-9-29 08:16 | 只看该作者

'Get under the desk'

'Get under the desk'


From Saturday's Globe and Mail
Montreal — At 12:35 p.m. on Wednesday, Pina Salvaggio got herself a cup of coffee, took out her bag lunch and sat down in her Dawson College office to correct some homework. “All of a sudden, I heard: bang, bang, bang. I immediately thought gunshots.”

Ms. Salvaggio looked out her office, and saw students milling around. “It's a joke,” one of them told her. She returned to her office and this time closed her door. Then she heard more shots, many this time, and she knew. She opened her door, saw two students standing in the hall, and yanked them into her office.

“Get under the desk,” she ordered. Ms. Salvaggio phoned Dawson security. No answer. And then she lost it. Like an extraordinary number of faculty at this university-preparatory college in Montreal, she had a child studying there, too.

“My son is out there,” she wailed, as tears streamed down her face. At 12:45 p.m., Ms. Salvaggio's son, Alexander Matthew, was just getting out of class. He took the stairs down to ground level. He had his head phones on and was listening to Sound Garden, a rock band. That's why he was quite startled when four or five girls burst into the stairwell screaming and crying. One of them screamed, “I've been shot.”

“I thought they were joking,” said Alex, 19. “Then I noticed she was bleeding around the waist.”

The girls ran back into the hallway. Still not comprehending, Alex followed them. A staff member, whose office was across from the stairwell, heard the commotion and came out to scold them. “What the hell are you guys doing?”

“I've been shot,” the girl screamed. “Call an ambulance.”

Stunned, Alex began walking toward the atrium, inside the ground-floor cafeteria. Students were running from there as fast as they could. He inched closer.

“I saw two policemen,” he said. “They must have just arrived. They had their guns drawn.”

Cara Genest, 17, didn't hear anything either. She was standing near the atrium when other students stampeded past, shouting to get out. She ran outside, and saw someone lying in a pool of blood.

Upstairs, in another cafeteria, her friend, Erin Neilson, 18, heard the gunshots. “Somebody shouted, ‘Get out! Get out!' Everyone just got up and bolted for the door.”

This week, Montrealers were asking: Why us? Youths elsewhere in Canada are addicted to violent video games. Youths elsewhere in Canada live in soul-less suburbs. Youths elsewhere are alienated and into Goth culture. Yet while there have been similar high-school tragedies, all three rampages at Canadian postsecondary institutions occurred here, not in Toronto, or Vancouver or Halifax or Calgary.

“A lot of people are saying: Why does this always happen in Quebec?” says Jay Bryan, a business columnist for the Montreal Gazette, the city's only English-language daily. “Three doesn't mean anything. But three out of three in Quebec means something.”

What many outsiders don't realize is how alienating the decades-long linguistic struggle has been in the once-cosmopolitan city. It hasn't just taken a toll on long-time anglophones, it's affected immigrants, too. To be sure, the shootings in all three cases were carried out by mentally disturbed individuals. But what is also true is that in all three cases, the perpetrator was not pure laine, the argot for a “pure” francophone. Elsewhere, to talk of racial “purity” is repugnant. Not in Quebec.

In 1989, Marc Lepine shot and killed 14 women and wounded 13 others at the University of Montreal's École Polytechnique. He was a francophone, but in the eyes of pure laine Quebeckers, he was not one of them, and would never be. He was only half French-Canadian. He was also half Algerian, a Muslim, and his name was Gamil Gharbi. Seven years earlier, after the Canadian Armed Forces rejected his application under that name, he legally changed his name to Marc Lepine.

Valery Fabrikant, an engineering professor, was an immigrant from Russia. In 1992, he shot four colleagues and wounded one other at Concordia University's faculty of engineering after learning he would not be granted tenure.

This week's killer, Kimveer Gill, was, like Marc Lepine, Canadian-born and 25. On his blog, he described himself as of “Indian” origin. (In their press conference, however, the police repeatedly referred to Mr. Gill as of “Canadian” origin.)

It isn't known when Mr. Gill's family arrived in Canada. But he attended English elementary and high schools in Montreal. That means he wasn't a first-generation Canadian. Under the restrictions of Bill 101, the province's infamous language law, that means at least one of his parents must have been educated in English elementary or high schools in Canada.To be sure, Mr. Lepine hated women, Mr. Fabrikant hated his engineering colleagues and Mr. Gill hated everyone. But all of them had been marginalized, in a society that valued pure laine.

Mr. Gill, by all accounts a loner, was a high-school dropout who lived in his parent's basement in suburban Laval. He was 6 foot 1 with light skin, dark hair shaved at the sides and a penchant for all-black outfits. He had no job, but he owned a car, and he bought three expensive guns, including the Beretta, which retails for about $800 (U.S.).

In an on-line journal nine months earlier, he wrote that the day he planned to seek revenge would be grey. “A light drizzle will be starting up,” he wrote.

On Wednesday, it rained in Montreal. Mr. Gill donned black combat boots and a black Matrix-style trench coat, and drove his black Pontiac Sunfire downtown. He parked it on Wood Avenue, and pulled three guns from the trunk. He looked through the scope of one, and aimed it at a group of boys. They didn't run, and he didn't fire. Later, one of the teens said he didn't think the gun was real.

He walked past the Dawson daycare centre, which has 48 toddlers, and along de Maisonneuve. Students were smoking outside the main entrance. Mr. Gill, who did not smoke, shot two of them. Then he went inside, through a double set of glass doors, and straight ahead to the atrium. It was lunch time. He began shooting.

Richmond Lam, a photography student at Dawson, was eating a falafel sandwich at the Alexis-Nihon shopping plaza across from the college when students began running in. He went to the window, and saw people ducking for cover. He spotted someone bleeding on the ground.

Mr. Lam, who is 31, grabbed his cameras and ran to the street. He arrived just as the two police officers were running in. He took a few photographs before a Dawson staff member pushed him back. “Go back in the building!” the staffer ordered.

Maro Barcarolo and Denis Côté, the police officers, were at Dawson on a routine call, possibly drug-related. They followed Mr. Gill inside the cafeteria. He had been shooting a Beretta CX4 Storm 9 mm semi-automatic. In minutes, he had shot 18 people. One was a 48-year-old Dawson plant-facilities worker, who hasn't been identified, who was trying to shelter a student. Another was a student named Anastasia De Sousa.

Mr. Gill shot her. Stacy, as her friends call her, collapsed. James Santos, a fellow student and friend, tried to drag her behind a serving area. Stacy moaned. “Is she alive?” the killer asked James, who is 17.

“He said, ‘Today is the day she's going to die,” James told the French-language daily, Le Journal de Montreal. Then the killer pumped more bullets into her. Upstairs, Ms. Salvaggio heard the shots. Because the atrium allows noise to float to the top floors, she thought the killer was right outside her office. The female student had taken refuge under one desk. She was silent. The boy student sat, on the ground, his back against the door. He was apparently trying to protect the two females. If the killer tried to get in, he would hold the door shut.

Weeping, and sitting under her desk, Ms. Salvaggio feared she might not get through to 911. But she had faith in her office mate, a calm, efficient teacher whose son is now at the University of Ottawa. Ms. Salvaggio called her colleague at home. “They're shooting here!” she screamed. “Call the police! My son is in the building.”

Tears streaming down her face, she told the students they should call their parents. Then she opened her laptop and tried to figure out her son's Wednesday schedule. At 1:49 p.m., an e-mail popped up from one of her students. “Miss,” it read. “They're shooting. Do we still have the 2 p.m. class?”

Meanwhile, Ms. Salvaggio's colleague, who asked not to be named, dialled 911. At 12:51 p.m., 911 was jammed. She was put on hold for two minutes — she knows because she watched the timer on her phone — and then the operator transferred her — and disconnected her. She redialled and screamed, “There's a gunman at Dawson College!” Then she called Ms. Salvaggio back and said, “Turn off the lights and close the blinds.”

Two floors below, Alex was craning his neck, trying to figure out why everyone was tearing out of the cafeteria. He saw officers Barcarolo and Côté train their guns on something. “That's when I decided it was a smart idea to move back from there.”

Someone slapped him on the back. “Hey,” said a classmate he knows only as Shane. He had just come out of the washroom, and was heading for the cafeteria. Teens have always tuned out the rest of the world, but now they have electronic help. The Dawson College shootings may be the first one in which many students remained clueless a painfully long time because they were listening to iPods.

Alex realized Shane was wearing his iPod, and hadn't heard a thing. He caught up with his classmate, and pulled him back. When other students stampeded past them, they ran, too. Everyone ended up in a computer lab where a class was in disarray.

It wasn't the wisest refuge. For security reasons — security of the equipment — that is, the computer lab had three vast windows that looked onto the hall. All 50 or so students hit the floor, everyone that is, except for a couple of students who continued working at their computers. Were they Asian?

“Everyone asks me that,” says Alex laughing, much later, from the safety of his home. “One was a white guy who was writing an essay. The other was a black guy who was searching the Internet.”

His friend Shane had left several friends in the cafeteria. Still prone on the floor, he called his friend, Vince. “Dude, are you still there?” Shane asked. Alex didn't know what Vince said, but Shane replied, “Shit! Good luck!” And then, inexplicably, Shane left the relative safety of the computer room and went back to the atrium.

The two police officers had radioed for back-up before they went in. Now, with Mr. Gill trying to use Stacy's friend, James, as a human shield, Officer Barcarolo fired shots high, trying to draw the killer's attention. Mr. Gill hid behind some vending machines on the south side of the cafeteria. Then he pointed at two students, possibly planning to take them as hostages.

“He cried, ‘Come here, come here,'” said one unnamed witness, quoted in Le Journal. “The police officer screamed, “No, no, don't go there.” Officer Côté, who was crouching on the ground, took advantage of the momentary distraction and fired several shots. One of them hit the killer in the right arm. Mr. Gill then pointed his own gun under his chin, and shot himself.

At 1:15 p.m., someone opened the door of the computer lab. A hand poked through, pointing a gun. Everyone screamed. Then they saw the blue uniform. “Go outside and down the hall,” the police officer ordered. “Don't run.”

Alex and the students, meek and obedient, walked as fast as they could without actually breaking into a run. Outside, the SWAT team was just arriving. “Go, go, go! Get out of here!” the police ordered. The students broke into the run of their lives. Once 15 blocks from Dawson, Alex tried to remember his mother's Wednesday schedule. He thought she was home. He called and left a message: “I'm fine. Don't go to school.”

Upstairs, Ms. Salvaggio called her colleague again. “Call the police!” she screamed. “They're on their way,” her colleague said. “Don't move.”

The young woman under the desk finally opened her mouth. “Miss, I think we should all be quiet. And I think he should move away from the door,” she said quietly, pointing at the boy student who was sitting with his back to the door.

The shooting continued. Suddenly there was silence. Ms. Salvaggio peeked out her door. She saw a policeman in the hall and stepped out.

“Get back in, ma'am,” he told her. The police were going from room to room, evacuating each, one at a time. They weren't sure if Mr. Gill had any accomplices. When Ms. Salvaggio finally got the all-clear, she told the students, whose names she never got, to leave. Normally a chic woman, Ms. Salvaggio looked a wreck. She realized she should have been helping the students. Instead, they were helping her.

“Miss, do you want me to carry your purse?” the boy inquired as they were leaving her office.

“No, just run,” she said, wiping her tears. If Montrealers are asking, why Montreal, then Dawson students and teachers are asking, why Dawson? The college offers the equivalent of what, in the rest of Canada, would be Grade 12 and 13. It is a CEGEP, which stands for Collège d'Enseignement Général et Professionel. Unique to Quebec, it prepares those in their late teens and above for university and technical schools.

Mr. Gill had no known connection to Dawson. But it was one of only five English CEGEPs in the Montreal area. And Dawson was the biggest and most famous, with 10,000 full- and part-time students and 1,500 faculty and other staff. Also, it was downtown, which was cool, physically straddling Montreal and that bastion of English Quebec, Westmount. Mr. Gill, who said he had been bullied at school, despised his peers. But a high school was no longer the right demographic for him.

Dawson probably looked tempting. Unlike McGill University or Concordia or the University of Montreal, it is housed in one massive, interconnected building, one million square feet in area. At noon, the students congregate in only two places, an upstairs cafeteria and the ground-floor one, conveniently located just off the main entrance.

Mr. Gill's rampage has resonated through the anglophone community. Although Montreal is a big city, English-speaking Montreal is not. It is more like a small town, where everyone knows everyone else. And because English-speaking high-school graduates must go through the CEGEP system before university, Dawson funnels anglophone kids from across the city into one institution.

“I went to Dawson,” said Nancy Essebag, a waitress at Mesquite, a restaurant in the largely anglophone district of N.D.G. She was serving lunch to Ms. Salvaggio and her office mate yesterday before they headed to the college for their first post-rampage meeting.

“I go to Dawson now,” said Jeremy Cantor, 19, who overheard Ms. Essebag. He was lunching at another table. He hadn't been at school that day, but his dining companion, Joel Suss, had. Mr. Suss, 19, attends another CEGEP, but had gone to Dawson to hang out with friends. Like Erin Neilson, he had been in the upstairs cafeteria when the shootings happened.

At the Montreal Gazette newspaper, the news didn't break the traditional way, through a tip. Reporters found out after the daughter of an employee in reader sales called in hysterics. A Gazette reporter, Susan Semenak, wrote a first-person story about how she panicked when her 17-year-old daughter phoned to say she was barricaded behind tables.

At Lower Canada College, an English private school in N.D.G., the headmaster announced the news and told the students that anyone with a connection to Dawson could make calls. The majority of the students did. “We talked about it in class. One of my Grade 5 students has a friend at Dawson who had a gun pointed at his head,” said Laura Mesthene, a teacher at Roslin Elementary School in Westmount.

All Dawson kids interviewed on French media seemed able to speak passable French.

Still, some people felt hurt when the director general of Dawson held a press conference the day after the shootings, and answered questions only in French. “It's an English-language CEGEP, and some of the parents don't understand French,” one Dawson teacher said crossly.

After he committed suicide, Mr. Gill's lifeless, bloodied body was dragged onto the street. Mr. Lam, the photography student, shot pictures through the glass window of the shopping plaza's food court. Stacy's body remained inside the cafeteria for hours. Other students were variously shot in the chest, leg, arm, abdomen and the head. Two remain in critical condition, including one who is in a coma.

Alex's friend, Shane, and his buddies in the atrium cafeteria, all got out safely. Ms. Salvaggio was allowed to return to her office yesterday. In the classroom opposite her office, the desks were piled against the door. Ms. Salvaggio dumped out her coffee and retrieved her laptop. When the phone rang, she couldn't find it at first. It was still under her desk.

Mr. Lam's photographs were published in the Ottawa Citizen, the National Post and the Gazette this week.

The day after the shootings, he was taking pictures of tearful students dropping off flowers and cards. Erin and Cara came with their friends, Rebecca Watkins, 19, and Carleigh Moore, 18, carrying bouquets of red carnations.

“One of the girls shot, Lisa Mezzacappa, was in a few of my classes. She was shot in the leg. She's fine. I saw her on the news.”

Rebecca wasn't fine, though. “We go here every day, and yesterday we weren't safe.” She began to cry. Erin cried, too. The girls hugged each other. Mr. Lam took their pictures.

Later, he said his parents were proud that he had gotten his photos published. But they had also been extremely worried. “They said, ‘Next time, don't worry about taking photos.'”

Mr. Lam isn't sure how he feels about going back. “As a photography student interested in photojournalism, I couldn't have been in a better place. But this is my school. I'm still trying to make sense of everything.”
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发表于 2006-9-29 08:28 | 只看该作者
补充一句:当 QUEBEC OMBUDSMAN 在 2003 年要求蒙城华人服务中心为我伸冤提供帮助的时候,记得中心主任赵秀媚女士(其本人是律师出身)在为我发出声援信的同时表示“在华人社团中发生的冤案其实很多,但几乎没有一个获得公正对待的。因此,不仅仅是为了你,也为了我们华人,我们坚决支持你,并希望你能坚持下去,为你,也为我们华人社团向政府讨回公道。”
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发表于 2006-9-29 14:14 | 只看该作者

zt from wenxuecity

加拿大总理PK华裔女记者: 言论交锋枪击案 环球华报

var rm_host = "http://ad.yieldmanager.com";var rm_section_id = 7225;var rm_iframe_tags = 1;rmShowAd("300x250");无论在东方还是西方,言论自由都有个“度”的问题,不能想当然地满嘴跑骆驼。加拿大提倡文化多元不假,还堂而皇之地定为国策,但也不要过于天真地认为“知无不言,言者无罪”,一旦逾越出上面所提到的“度”,即便出於小记者之手,让总理不爽,也会“龙颜勃怒”的。



  在加拿大,只有两份国家级的英文大报,一份是《国家邮报》(National Post),另一份就是《环球邮报》(Globe and Mail)了。所以能在这两份报纸上耍笔头子,应该是个有一定影响的活计,更何况作为一位华裔女士,不是想干就能干的。因此说,黄明珍(Jane Wong)能出任《环球邮报》的记者和专栏作家,想必也颇经过了一番努力,无论在文字写作上、还是新闻敏感上,都有独到的过人之处。不久前因道森学院 (Dawson College)枪击案发表专论,借题发挥抨击种族歧视,确实证明不是一个吃素的。

  黄明珍的专稿标题是“Get under the desk”,通过对道森学院教师Pina Salvaggio等枪击案目击者的采访、对整个枪击事件的详细描写,引发了对这起枪击案评论。

  在黄明珍的文章里,通过分析,指校园血案涉歧视移民,将枪手吉尔(Kimveer Gill)上周在道森学院(Dawson College)校园滥杀悲剧,归咎魁北克省民众没有善待移民。


  黄明珍指出,在上述3次校园枪击命案中有一个共同的现象,主角枪手吉尔、莱皮纳(Marc Lepine)和法布里坎特(Valery Fabrikant)都不是纯法语人。这个现象被黄明珍敏感地抓到了,如此高的重复率不是偶然的。她因此推论,非法语裔觉得他们都在一个重视纯种(PURE LAINE )的魁省社会被边缘化。据黄明珍的定义,“纯种”是指“纯正法裔”。


  道森学院血案主嫌吉尔和其他两个凶犯一样,都不是土生土长的魁北克人,而是所谓“局外人”(outsider)。吉尔祖籍印度;1992年制造所谓“康考迪大学屠杀案”的法布里康(Valery Fabrikant),是来自前苏联的犹太移民,俄罗斯裔教授,他曾经多次申请终身职位被拒;1989年枪杀14名妇女后饮弹自尽的勒潘(Marc Lepine),原名加辟(Gamil Gharbi),是有阿尔及利亚血统的穆斯林青年,据说因为要求从军和报名大学工程系先后被拒绝,遂将自己的名字“法语化”。黄明珍认为,由于他们都不是正宗说法语人士,所以他们在生活中曾经遭受因为其宗源受到过不公平的对待。







  哈珀说,上周校园枪击案件令所有魁北克人惊恐,吉尔走进道森学院,一路乱枪滥杀无辜,1名女学生迪苏莎(Anastasia De Sousa)死亡,另外20人受伤。他在信上表示:“这些行为应受无条件的道德谴责,不能假借社会与舆论的言词,掩饰偏见文字。”也就是说,人们应该无保留地谴责凶犯吉尔的犯罪行经,而不是利用这样一个事件,来推销所谓社会理论。





  9月19日,魁北克省长庄社理(Jean Charest)也致函《环球邮报》主编,称黄明珍的文章为“羞辱”,说她的议论“不成体统”和“有失体面”,为此感到“震惊和失望”。


  不论统独倾向,各党派都不失时机地对黄明珍大加挞伐,魁北克政团(BLOC QUEBECOIS )党魁杜锡也要求《环球邮报》道歉。魁人政团议员库图(Maka Kotto)本周一还在众院高声诵读了一则声明,严厉谴责和抨击黄明珍的文章,敦促保守党政府及其他反对党同心协力对付此事。


  蒙特利尔市圣占巴斯迪协会(SOCIETE ST. JEAN BAPTISTE DE MONTREAL )已向魁省新闻管辖委会(QUEBEC PRESS COUNCIL )入禀投诉黄明珍这篇文章。该协会主席多里安(J. DORION )表示,“经历过上周三的枪击悲剧,在魁省的我们本应得到抚慰,并非面对这些不切实际的理论。环球邮报是加拿大最大及最有权威的报纸,省外及国外的人会以这文章来判断我们,教人怎能容忍。” 他的协会现在要求《环球邮报》和黄明珍道歉,并加以更正。



  《环球邮报》总编辑助理格里斯潘(Edward Greenspon)日前表示,该报不会在报纸上对事件发表正式评论,但在9月21日的内部社论上谈及该问题。




  黄明珍还特别讲到蒙特利尔的法文报纸Le Devoir,该报近日刊登出一幅漫画,漫画中黄明珍被画成斜眼、戴眼镜,并一口爆牙,坐在中餐馆内打开幸运饼,里面有一句签语“小心101法案”,而那是魁省备受争议的语言法。


  但Le Devoir报社总编辑辩解说,黄明珍的父亲在蒙特利尔开过中餐馆,漫画只是提到她的家庭背景,并无任何种族歧视的意思,至于画中形象不过是漫画的夸张手法。








  黄明珍也是一个蛮有职业感的人。有朋友回忆说,2003年开春闹非典的时候,多伦多卫生医官发布命令,3月16日之后到过慈恩医院的民众,必须在家中严格隔离10天,也就是感染 SARS 的潜伏期,家庭成员都必须戴口罩,因为慈恩医院是非典“重灾区”。

  由于黄明珍曾在3月18日去慈恩医院采访,在里面各处晃了一个多小时,于是落入“自动隔离”范围。当时报社里同事闻知都很紧张,有人甚至脸色发白地对她猛吼:“你整天都在对著我呼吸! ”另一名身怀六甲的同事更惊呼:“我刚和你吃完午餐!”她的上司则下令她立即回家,不过要由家中传稿。


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