I just wonder when Chinese can realize that since they are in Canada, they are canadians or going to be Canadians. Canada is an immigrant country. It is composed of nations over the history. Why Chinese have to fight over the identity EVEN here in Canada? I beieve that when they were in China, they would kill to leave China, but when they are here, it seems that quite some of them would kill to keep their Chinese Identity. Isn't it bizard?What they should do is to merge into this country by becoming Canadians, only that they are Canadian -Chinese. They should not worry too much about not being Chinese here. They have Chinese culture inside( not really because they look Chinese). I think it takes decades or centuries to forget or change some negative marks that Chinese bear by being Chinese, yet it takes a great effort to keep the positive side as well. I believe the next generation will be better, merged better, but they will definately lose the negative marks while losing some positive things from the Chinese Culture.
I am a Chinese. I have't used WE to include me, because I have a purpose. I am here in Canada ( 7 years ). I love China and Chinese, but I love this country which I chose 7 years ago as well. I respect my choice and the country I chose no matter what(being poor or rich has nothing to do with this matter)!
I think people from other nations are welcome to this website as well.
这里是中国人的网站,欢迎大家使用自己的母语来交流信息。至于那些长着中国脸,说着中国话,却不把自己当中国人不要打扰我们在这里信息交流。大家有兴趣可 以查查我写的帖子,再看看这位什么q2006c的,连给白求恩大夫献花,这个不知道那冒出来货都能大放厥词,谩骂一番,这样的人,配在这里说话么?
蒙城怪物真是不少:2003年有个happymontrea, 接着冒出个sunshine(神棍),现在又冒出几个反华的...[/QUOTE] |