This promise to purchase is conditional to the buyer being able to participate in the enterprise’s operation for a period of ( ) days, to begin on ( ) at the latest, according to the following terms:
To this effect,the seller agrees,during theis period,to remain at the buyer’s disposal and to provide him with all the information and support he needs to participate in the enterprise’s operations.
If,at the end of the period stipulated above, the buyer is not satisfied,he may cancel this promise to purchase by sending a written notice to the seller within ( ) days after the expiration of this period. This promise to purchase shall become null and void from the moment such notice is received by the seller. Should the buyer fail to notify the seller within the deadline specified, he will be deemed to have waived this condition.
上面这段红字表明,如果买方没有在规定时间内取消Offer,就被认同已经放弃这个条件。也就是说,Offer 已经生效,这个时候再要求取消Offer的话,卖方有理由不退还押金。甚至可以起诉买方,索赔所受损失。