Post by david3549tw;3010343
From the point of view of the world outside, communist China is a brutal, violent, threatening, and invading country. THat's why all countries around it fears it and unite together to protect themselves.
Nobody is threatening China's living space. It's is China that is threatening other's living space and brutally killing Chinese at home.
you said: 有了民主就能保证国家不受威胁吗? but it's China that is threatening others, specifically Taiwan.
吴三桂 is saying things that are true. but you don't like to hear it.
你就做梦吧,你就天天在老鼠洞里疯狂地诅咒吧! 如果你不认为自己是中国人,我们就是要威胁你,消灭你!YES, WE ARE SUPERPOWER WITH 3000 NUK BOMBS, 就是专门对付阴魂不散的日本军国主义分子和他们所杂交繁殖出的像你这样的不伦不类,画虎类狗的独湾湾! 你虽然跑到这狂吠发泄,好可怜,你的水便爹,嗅殓妈还要天天为那700枚导弹夜不成眠,担心那天被定点清除掉了,或者被当台奸清算! 请你继续吧, 没有几个人看你的狗皮膏药,煞笔!!!! |