Post by rabbit2;2774735
看到前面有人说寄到BUFFALO会快些, 我现在正在填写申请表,好像申请人只能在国籍所在地申请。不知道是否我理解有误。有知道的麻烦告知一声。
1. 国籍所在国: the applicant’s country of nationality, or if the applicant is stateless, their country of habitual residence other than a country where they are residing without having been lawfully admitted.
2. 现居住地(至少一年合法身份居住): the country where the applicant is residing, if the applicant has been lawfully admitted to that country for at least one year (举例,在新加坡长期工作的中国人,就可以在新加坡递交移民材料)