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welcome back, folks!

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发表于 2002-9-17 15:54 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
Need your advise.
STEERING OIL CHANGES TO YELLOW/WHITE COLOR, AND ONLY A LITTLE LEFT. Can hear big noise coming out from the steering pump. Hope that does not mean I need to change the pump. I want to change the oil first, but can i change it by myself? Where can i buy the oil in lower price or which garage offers good service and low price? thanks!
There is also a crack extending from the right bottom to 1/3 of my window(2 feet long). It is not in the bottom. there is a 30 degree angle between the bottom and the crack. Can I do something for it? I think I need to do sth to prevent it from extending. Is it dangerous in winter?
发表于 2002-9-17 16:02 | 只看该作者
Start the car, pour little bit, then ask your
partner steering the wheel, watch the fluid level
falling down, then repeat this, remember don't
overflow too much.

I think you should get out of old fluid before do
above, just loose a hose connecting to the pump.

Donot let the fluid dropping on the belt.

You can buy any brand power steering fluid in

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 楼主| 发表于 2002-9-17 16:35 | 只看该作者
thanks Don!
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发表于 2002-9-17 21:07 | 只看该作者
Thank you for the nice compliments. Back for a while now but have been very busy with work.


This car is more than 11 y/o. I don't know what parts you have changed so far (also don't know the mileage). In general, if you want to keep on driving for good 2 years, then I suggest you bring your car to a professional to do a complete flush, i.e. drain the old oil - not only power steering but also transmission oil, coolant and engine oil. The flush will clean up all the metal and palstic residuals after years of wearing.

Don's method is more economical if you only want to drive the car until it dies - the longer you wait, the more small problems will pop up and at the end, they will become a big problem to big to be fixed.

Therefore I suggest you to have it inspected at a decent garage as well, Phil Bailey's garage is highly recommended. Their hour rate is not cheap but they will never overcharge you or change the parts that are still good. But if you go to Canadian Tires or other unknown garages, in most cases, they will change lots of parts that are still good. So at the end, you will pay more.

Engine oil flush can be done at Costco at very decent price. Coolant, heatcore and transmission oil can be done at Phil's garage since Costco doesn't do those jobs.

2)   Windshield crack extending from the right bottom to 1/3 of my window(2 feet long).

There is NO other fix for this size other than to change it. But it will cost about $ 450. It is not dangerous to drive in winter as long as it is not blocking your vision. However the ventalation might be affected. That means it might become foggy early. The best thing to do is to wait and drive for a few days when winter comes. If it is too foggy, then you can have it changed on the same day.

But once again, you need to do a calculation- how many years do you want to keep that car. The total dollars to spend on repairing will depend on how long you want to keep this car.This is an equation.
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发表于 2002-9-17 21:15 | 只看该作者
Thanks for your advice!
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发表于 2002-9-22 21:49 | 只看该作者
Pumping the braks (for winter driving on icy and snowy roads)

For those new drivers, "pumping brakes" require some practice - Do not panic. If you do panic, then you will forget "pumping the brakes".

You can practise it on a parking lot when there are no cars.

I will orangize 10 min demonstration in November  for those who are interested how it works. Once I have found a time slot, I will post it here.
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2002-9-24 22:40 | 只看该作者
如果你的车已经很旧(10 年以上),而且开车时没有什么感觉(没有太大的噪音和车身晃动),你没有必要去浪费这个钱. 避震系统是用于减少震动, 如果你不换的话,你的车在冬天会震动大一些,但是如果你不在臆的话,可以不换.
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2002-9-25 10:06 | 只看该作者
hi folks, welcome back

where is Costco,and how much need pay for engine flush and transmission flush?
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发表于 2002-9-25 20:51 | 只看该作者
我的车没有user's manual,能不能请你介绍一下engine oil, transmission oil, coolant, brake fluid都多长时间换一次?轮胎多长时间需要做一次动平衡?做一次车底防锈能挺多长时间?
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发表于 2002-9-25 22:50 | 只看该作者
回 Lemonaid:
Costco 只做 engine flush, 价钱是 MONTREAL 最好的,大约在$36. 你必须是Costco的会员(或你的朋友是)才能去那里换. Costco 有很多分店: Montreal (Marche Centre - near Rockland Shopping Center); Wellington/Center street, West Island (near St.Jean), Laval, South Shore, St.Leonard.

Costco 不能换 transmission oil,因为这个需要点技术, 最好到DEALER 那里或到 Phil Bailey 车行去换.
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